Uruguay - October 2024
Yamandú Orsi is elected Uruguay’s next President
On 27 October, Uruguay held general elections. Voter turnout was 89.52 per cent, similar to the 90,13 per cent recorded in the last elections in 2019 (voting is compulsory). Uruguayans had the option to vote for one of 11 presidential tickets, all led by men. Yamandú Orsi from the Frente Amplio coalition and Álvaro Delgado from the National Party led the presidential race with 44 and 27 per cent of the vote, respectively. As neither reached the required 50 per cent, a run-off will take place on 24 November.
Voters also elected 30 members of the Senate, 99 members of the House of Representatives, and members of municipal electoral boards. The Frente Amplio coalition obtained a majority in the Senate, while no party secured a majority in the lower chamber. Preliminary calculations indicate that 27.9 per cent of legislative seats will be held by women, an increase from the 20 per cent elected in the 2020 elections.
Additionally, two plebiscites—one on pension reform and the other on restoring police authority to conduct nighttime raids—did not pass, as both fell short of the required 50 per cent voter support.
Update: A run-off was held on 24 November. The Frente Amplio coalition’s Yamandú Orsi became the country’s new president, with 49.8 per cent of the vote. Álvaro Delgado garnered 45.87 per cent, and voter turnout was 89.4 per cent.
Sources: International IDEA, Montevideo Portal, Corte Electoral Uruguay (1), El Pais Uruguay, AP News, Corte Electoral Uruguay (2), CNN