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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Democracy Tracker

The Democracy Tracker provides event-centric, monthly information on democracy and human rights developments in 173 countries. Event reports include a description of the event, indications of the specific aspects of democracy that have been impacted, the magnitude of the impact, links to original sources and keywords to enable further research. Click on the country hexagons below to read the most recent developments, or hover over to the country profiles menu at the top to access the full data and analysis of a specific country.

Positive and Negative Events in May 2024

Colombia Arrow Colombia
Czechia Arrow Czechia
Denmark Arrow Denmark
Fiji Arrow Fiji
India Arrow India
Latvia Arrow Latvia
Liberia Arrow Liberia
Norway Arrow Norway
Philippines Arrow Philippines
Sweden Arrow Sweden
United States of America Arrow United States of America
Uruguay Arrow Uruguay
Vanuatu Arrow Vanuatu
Australia Arrow Australia
Brazil Arrow Brazil
Burkina Faso Arrow Burkina Faso
France Arrow France
Israel Arrow Israel
Kuwait Arrow Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan Arrow Kyrgyzstan
Myanmar Arrow Myanmar
Nepal Arrow Nepal
Pakistan Arrow Pakistan
Peru Arrow Peru
Russian Federation Arrow Russian Federation
Slovakia Arrow Slovakia
Spain Arrow Spain
Togo Arrow Togo
Zambia Arrow Zambia

*Assessments are relative to each country and do not represent comparisons or rankings between countries.

May 2022


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Rule of Law

Critical Events in May 2024

Europe • Slovakia

On 15 May, a 71-year-old citizen, described as a poet and former security guard, shot Prime Minister Robert Fico multiple times when Fico was greeting supporters after a government meeting in Handlova. Despite being critically injured, Fico survived the shooting. The attacker has been charged with attempted premeditated murder. In a pre-trial detention statement, the shooter cited disagreements with the government policies as the motive for the attack. Politicians in Slovakia and international leaders have condemned the attack. The incident has raised concerns about the polarization of politics in Slovakia, with the interior minister criticizing media outlets and the opposition for their role in shaping public perception. This is Fico’s fourth term as prime minister.

Americas • Uruguay

An executive decree launched in Uruguay creates a special residency program based on family, or educational ties, which will also facilitate integration. The special residency program applies only to migrants who have been in the country for more than 180 days at the time of the decree's issuance. It is therefore aimed at regularizing the status of people who are already in the country. It will benefit over 20,000 foreigners, mostly Cubans, caught in a "migratory limbo" who entered the country as asylum seekers but stayed in Uruguay without being able to acquire legal residence. Additionally, it provides a process to permanent residency and eventually citizenship. The program will also facilitate family reunification, which is not possible for individuals who have an undefined legal status.  The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has praised the measure for recognizing migrants' humanitarian needs and strengthening pathways to stay legally in Uruguay. Migrants’ organizations support the measure, stating that it will help thousands stay legally in the country.

Asia and the Pacific • Taiwan

On 28 May, Taiwanese legislators passed a package of controversial reforms expanding the parliament’s power to scrutinize the incoming government. The reforms allow lawmakers to request information from various entities, criminalize ‘contempt of parliament’ by officials, and require the president to provide regular reports and answer lawmakers’ questions (a first for Taiwan) or face fines. The opposition Kuomintang (中國國民黨) (KMT) and Taiwan’s People’s Party (台灣民眾黨) (TPP) used their combined majority to push forward the bills just days before President Lai Chin-te’s inauguration, arguing that the bills would ensure checks and balances and allow the legislature to target corruption. Civil society, academics and legal scholars argue that the vague and overreaching amendments could be misused for partisan vendettas and compromise national security. Since 17 May, thousands of people have gathered outside the parliament to protest the reforms peacefully. Critics say the amendments were rushed through the legislature without proper deliberation. The bills do not take immediate effect and still require approval from the president and the Executive Yuan. The Democratic Progressive Party (民主進步黨) (DPP) will seek a Constitutional Court ruling on the legality of the passed reforms and will send the bills back to the Legislative Yuan for reconsideration.

Africa • Sudan

An intensification of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in el-Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, has prompted a UN expert to warn of genocide. El-Fasher, the last major urban area in Darfur controlled by the SAF, has been besieged by the RSF since April 2024. However, by May the security situation had significantly deteriorated, leaving the more-than one million people thought to be trapped in the city at risk of dying from a lack of food and medicine, being caught in the crossfire or becoming the targets of ethnic violence. Experts have warned that the fighting threatens to aggravate intercommunal conflict, predicting that the increasingly polarised environment could lead to large-scale ethnic killings. Among them was the UN’s Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, who in a UN Security Council briefing on 21 May stated that the risk of genocide in Sudan was ‘growing, every single day’.

About the Global State of Democracy Initiative

International IDEA launched the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Initiative in 2016. This Initiative provides evidence-based and balanced analysis and data on the state and quality of democracy globally and for 173 countries across all regions of the world. It aims to contribute to the public debate on democracy and inform policy interventions to strengthen democracy.

Monthly Event Reports

See all the information related to countries that have updates this month.


Arrow COD
Arrow SDN
Arrow ZAF
Arrow MDG
Arrow ZMB
Arrow TCD
Arrow LBR
Arrow TGO
Arrow MLI
Arrow BFA
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Arrow DZA
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Arrow COG
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Arrow SEN
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Arrow SOM
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Arrow SSD
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Arrow TZA
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Arrow TUN
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Arrow UGA
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Arrow DOM
Arrow GTM
Arrow JAM
Arrow PAN
Arrow USA
Arrow BRA
Arrow COL
Arrow PER
Arrow ECU
Arrow URY
Arrow HTI
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Arrow CAN
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Arrow CUB
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Arrow GUY
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Arrow HND
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Arrow NIC
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Arrow PRY
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Arrow SUR
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Arrow TTO
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Arrow VEN
View all

Asia and the Pacific

Arrow KGZ
Arrow FJI
Arrow VUT
Arrow MMR
Arrow IDN
Arrow TWN
Arrow IND
Arrow PAK
Arrow NPL
Arrow AUS
Arrow PHL
without report
Arrow LKA
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Arrow MYS
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Arrow TLS
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Arrow AFG
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Arrow JPN
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Arrow BGD
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Arrow BTN
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Arrow KHM
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Arrow CHN
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Arrow PRK
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Arrow KAZ
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Arrow LAO
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Arrow MDV
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Arrow MNG
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Arrow NZL
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Arrow PNG
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Arrow KOR
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Arrow SGP
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Arrow SLB
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Arrow TJK
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Arrow THA
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Arrow TKM
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Arrow UZB
without report
Arrow VNM
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Arrow RUS
Arrow UKR
Arrow MDA
Arrow CZE
Arrow SVK
Arrow MKD
Arrow DNK
Arrow GRC
Arrow TUR
Arrow LVA
Arrow LTU
Arrow SWE
Arrow NOR
Arrow FRA
Arrow ESP
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Arrow HUN
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Arrow GBR
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Arrow KSV
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Arrow ARM
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Arrow CHE
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Arrow ALB
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Arrow AUT
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Arrow AZE
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Arrow BLR
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Arrow BEL
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Arrow BIH
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Arrow BGR
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Arrow HRV
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Arrow CYP
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Arrow EST
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Arrow FIN
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Arrow LUX
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Arrow MLT
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Arrow MNE
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Arrow NLD
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Arrow POL
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Arrow PRT
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Arrow ROU
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Arrow SRB
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Arrow SVN
View all

Western Asia

Arrow ISR
Arrow KWT
Arrow PSE
without report
Arrow IRQ
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Arrow BHR
without report
Arrow IRN
without report
Arrow JOR
without report
Arrow LBN
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Arrow OMN
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Arrow QAT
without report
Arrow SAU
without report
Arrow SYR
without report
Arrow ARE
without report
Arrow YEM
View all
May 2022


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Rule of Law

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Funders and Donors

The European Union Federal Ministry for Economic Coorperation and Development Robert Bosch Stiftung
The Global State of Democracy Initiative is also supported by contributions of International IDEA Member States