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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Democracy Tracker

The Democracy Tracker provides event-centric, monthly information on democracy and human rights developments in 173 countries. Event reports describe a change to the status-quo of the state of democracy at the country level. They include a description of the event, indications of the specific aspects of democracy that have been impacted, the magnitude of the impact, links to original sources and keywords to enable further research. Click on the country hexagons below to read the most recent developments, or hover over to the country profiles menu at the top to access the full data and analysis of a specific country.

Positive and Negative Events in January 2025

Lebanon Arrow Lebanon
Bangladesh Arrow Bangladesh
Central African Republic Arrow Central African Republic
Indonesia Arrow Indonesia
Lithuania Arrow Lithuania
New Zealand Arrow New Zealand
Palestine Arrow Palestine
Romania Arrow Romania
Serbia Arrow Serbia
Slovenia Arrow Slovenia
Thailand Arrow Thailand
Uganda Arrow Uganda
Vanuatu Arrow Vanuatu
Azerbaijan Arrow Azerbaijan
Benin Arrow Benin
Bulgaria Arrow Bulgaria
Cambodia Arrow Cambodia
Colombia Arrow Colombia
Georgia Arrow Georgia
Israel Arrow Israel
Kenya Arrow Kenya
Kyrgyzstan Arrow Kyrgyzstan
Mexico Arrow Mexico
Montenegro Arrow Montenegro
Myanmar Arrow Myanmar
Nicaragua Arrow Nicaragua
Pakistan Arrow Pakistan
Russian Federation Arrow Russian Federation
South Africa Arrow South Africa
South Sudan Arrow South Sudan
Switzerland Arrow Switzerland
Democratic Republic of the Congo Arrow Democratic Republic of the Congo
United States of America Arrow United States of America

*Assessments are relative to each country and do not represent comparisons or rankings between countries.

May 2022


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Rule of Law

Critical Events To Watch in January 2025

Asia and the Pacific • New Zealand

 New Zealand’s parliament unanimously approved a law to grant legal personhood to the mountain Taranaki Maunga as part of the Treaty of Waitangi settlement process. In practice, this means the mountain and surrounding national park, Te Papa-Kura-o-Taranaki, will have the same rights and responsibilities of a legal person, and the lands themselves will be jointly managed by Crown representatives and the eight Maori iwi who historically inhabited the area. The decision comes after nine years of petitioning and negotiations between Taranaki iwi and the New Zealand government. The mountain is the third natural feature to be granted legal personhood in the country, and the status is intended to act as restitution for disposed Maori communities, preserve traditional use of the land, and conserve the native ecosystem. Sources: Radio New Zealand, Jurist

Western Asia • Palestine

On 19 January, a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas took effect, potentially ending 15 months of war in Gaza. The first phase of the agreement, planned to last 42 days, is to involve the release of 33 Israeli hostages in exchange for 1,900 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons. Israel has also started to withdraw its military forces from populated areas and the Netzarim Corridor in Gaza, allowing displaced Palestinians to return to their homes and facilitating the entry and delivery of humanitarian aid. If successful, a second phase would involve an additional exchange of hostages and prisoners and a full withdrawal of Israeli troops. The third phase would focus on Gaza's reconstruction. The agreement, mediated by the United States, Egypt, and Qatar, showed initial progress by the end of January, but concerns about its stability remain. Details of the second and third phases of the ceasefire are yet to be negotiated.

Americas • United States of America

Following his inauguration on 20 January, President Donald Trump embarked on a far-reaching effort to change the way that the United States government functions, principally through Executive Orders (EOs). On the day of the inauguration, President Trump signed 26 EOs; he had signed 46 by the end of January. While the use of EOs is not unique to this administration, the powers claimed by the President in many of these orders are nearly unprecedented in US-American history. The EOs that have ordered the government to halt disbursements of funds appropriated by Congress have relied on claims of executive power to intervene in the budgetary process that far exceed what has been permitted under the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act (ICA) of 1974. EOs and memoranda halting the disbursement of congressionally appropriated funds for services provided by states (such as Medicaid) and official development aid distributed by agencies such as USAID were suspended through emergency orders granted by federal courts, but not before they generated destructive levels of uncertainty for the agencies affected. The lack of response from Congress to this erosion of its constitutionally mandated powers has signalled the majority’s willingness to cede these powers to the executive branch. The President has also delegated a great deal of policy-making power to a newly established agency called the Department for Government Efficiency (DOGE). This agency is functionally led by businessman Elon Musk, although his only formal role in the US government is as an advisor to the President. The vast powers to intervene in government departments that President Trump has delegated to this agency have generated significant problems for democratic accountability and have introduced damaging levels of arbitrariness in the functioning of the government.  Many of the EOs have been challenged in legal proceedings, contributing to further uncertainty about the content of the law and US government policy until these cases are resolved.

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Monthly Event Reports

See all the information related to countries that have updates this month.


Arrow KEN
Arrow SSD
Arrow UGA
Arrow CAF
Arrow COD
Arrow ZAF
Arrow BEN
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Arrow MUS
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Arrow NER
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Arrow COG
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Arrow SLE
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Arrow SDN
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Arrow TZA
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Arrow TGO
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Arrow TUN
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Arrow ZMB
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Arrow COL
Arrow MEX
Arrow USA
Arrow NIC
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Arrow CAN
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Arrow HTI
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Arrow ARG
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Arrow BRB
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Arrow PRY
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Arrow PER
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Arrow SUR
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Arrow TTO
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Arrow URY
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Arrow VEN
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Asia and the Pacific

Arrow PAK
Arrow BGD
Arrow THA
Arrow KAZ
Arrow KGZ
Arrow NZL
Arrow VUT
Arrow MMR
Arrow IDN
Arrow KHM
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Arrow TWN
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Arrow LKA
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Arrow MYS
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Arrow TLS
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Arrow AFG
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Arrow JPN
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Arrow AUS
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Arrow BTN
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Arrow CHN
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Arrow PRK
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Arrow FJI
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Arrow IND
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Arrow LAO
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Arrow MDV
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Arrow MNG
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Arrow NPL
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Arrow PNG
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Arrow PHL
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Arrow KOR
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Arrow SGP
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Arrow SLB
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Arrow TJK
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Arrow TKM
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Arrow UZB
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Arrow VNM
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Arrow BGR
Arrow SRB
Arrow LTU
Arrow SVN
Arrow BLR
Arrow ROU
Arrow AZE
Arrow RUS
Arrow MNE
Arrow GEO
Arrow CHE
Arrow UKR
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Arrow ESP
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Arrow HUN
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Arrow GBR
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Arrow KSV
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Arrow TUR
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Arrow ARM
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Arrow SVK
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Arrow ALB
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Arrow AUT
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Arrow BEL
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Arrow BIH
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Arrow HRV
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Arrow CYP
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Arrow CZE
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Arrow DNK
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Arrow EST
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Arrow FIN
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Arrow FRA
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Arrow DEU
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Arrow GRC
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Arrow ISL
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Arrow IRL
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Arrow ITA
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Arrow LVA
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Arrow LUX
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Arrow MLT
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Arrow MDA
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Arrow NLD
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Arrow MKD
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Arrow NOR
without report
Arrow POL
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Arrow PRT
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Arrow SWE
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Western Asia

Arrow LBN
Arrow PSE
Arrow ISR
without report
Arrow IRQ
without report
Arrow BHR
without report
Arrow IRN
without report
Arrow JOR
without report
Arrow KWT
without report
Arrow OMN
without report
Arrow QAT
without report
Arrow SAU
without report
Arrow SYR
without report
Arrow ARE
without report
Arrow YEM
View all
May 2022


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Rule of Law

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The European Union Federal Ministry for Economic Coorperation and Development Robert Bosch Stiftung
The Global State of Democracy Initiative is also supported by contributions of International IDEA Member States