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Democrats maintain Senate majority and Republicans take over the House in midterm elections

On 8 November, the United States held its midterm legislative elections. Electors voted to fill seats at both the Senate and House of Representatives, governorships, and other local positions. Voter turnout was approximately 46.0 per cent, with higher participation rates in battleground states. Democrats held on to the Senate, with one of the seats (Georgia) determined in a runoff election that took place in early December. Republicans took over the House with a slim majority.

The elections were held after a polarizing campaign that saw election officials being harassed, as well as some reports of partisan officials taking up positions at the polls. Some democracy advocates expressed concern for the considerable number of election deniers (candidates who have cast doubt on the results of the 2020 elections) on the ballots.

Twelve women were elected and will serve as governors in the upcoming year (about 24 per cent of governorships), three more than the previous record of nine. A total of 149 women will serve in the House and Senate (about a quarter of members of Congress), two more seats than currently held by women.

Sources: The Washington Post, Cable News Network, Five Thirty Eight, National Public Radio, British Broadcasting Corporation, Center for American Women and Politics

Primary categories and factors
Representation 0 Representation  (0)
Credible Elections
Elected Government
Rights 0 Rights  (0)
Political Equality
Gender Equality

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