Switzerland - March 2023
Parliament holds first session for people with disabilities
The Parliament held its first ever special session for people living with disabilities. Only 44 of the 200 seats in the House of Representatives were filled to symbolize the 22 per cent (1.8 million people) of the Swiss population with disabilities. The session convened people with disabilities from across Switzerland as representatives, chosen in a public online vote organized by Pro Firmis, a disability rights NGO. At the close of the session, a resolution was adopted geared towards strengthening political representation, including through voting without hindrance and access to information about the election, and the creation of an extra-parliamentary Disability Commission to improve consultation with people with disabilities as experts. The Federal Council ordered the Interior Ministry to lead the review of the Disability Equality Act, enacted in 2002, to improve the participation of people with disabilities in society, including through protections against workplace discrimination and in equal access to services.
Sources: Pro Infirmis (1), Pro Infirmis (2), Swiss Paraplegic Group, Swiss Info (1), Swiss Info (2), Swiss Info (3), European Disability Forum, The Federal Council