Spain - June 2024
Agreement reached to renew judicial service commission, ending five-year stalemate
On 25 June, the government and main opposition party, the Popular Party (PP), agreed to the renewal of the 20 members of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), the highest governing body in charge of appointments, promotion and transfers of judges, and of ensuring the independence of courts. The mandate of existing CGPJ members expired over five years ago, but since Parliament was not able to approve replacements with the required three-fifths majority, they have continued to serve in their roles. Additionally, the parties agreed to initiate reform of the Organic Law of the Judiciary to strengthen the independence of judges and public prosecutors. Finally, the new members of the CGPJ have been given six months to propose a new method for appointing members of the CGPJ in the future, responding to a recommendation from the European Commission in recent Spanish Rule of Law reports. The European Commission helped to mediate the negotiations for renewal of the CGPJ since January 2024.
Sources:Euronews (1), Euronews (2), European Commission (1), European Commission (2), EFE, El Confidencial