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Western Asia

Slovakia - May 2024

Prime Minister Robert Fico shot while greeting supporters
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On 15 May, a 71-year-old citizen, described as a poet and former security guard, shot Prime Minister Robert Fico multiple times when Fico was greeting supporters after a government meeting in Handlova. Despite being critically injured, Fico survived the shooting. The attacker has been charged with attempted premeditated murder. In a pre-trial detention statement, the shooter cited disagreements with the government policies as the motive for the attackPoliticians in Slovakia and international leaders have condemned the attack. The incident has raised concerns about the polarization of politics in Slovakia, with the interior minister criticizing media outlets and the opposition for their role in shaping public perception. This is Fico’s fourth term as prime minister.

Sources: Startitup, Aktuality (1), Aktuality (2),  Deutsche Welle, Politico, Euronews (1), Euronews (2), International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Reuters, International IDEA

Primary categories and factors
Representation -1 Representation  (-1)
Elected Government
Secondary categories and factors
Representation -1 Representation
Free Political Parties
Rule of Law Rule of Law
Personal Integrity and Security

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