Serbia - October 2023
Parliaments adopts two controversial media laws
The Serbian parliament has voted in favour of the Law on Public Information and Media, along with amendments to the Law on Electronic Media. Under the new legislation, the government gains the ability to own media outlets through Telekom Serbia, a telecommunications company partly owned by the state. Currently, Telekom's operations include cable television, internet services, the telephone operator Supernova, and more than 20 media platforms. The Independent Journalists Association of Serbia is concerned the legislation will result in extended influence of Telekom. Opposition parties, journalist associations, civil society, and media freedom watchdogs, including Reporters Without Borders and Article-19, said that the new legislation could increase state control over the media. The government and MPs from the ruling party contend that the legislation adheres to the constitution, the Media Strategy, and the EU Audiovisual Directive.
Sources: Balkan Insight, Euractiv, European Western Balkans, N1, Koalicija Za Slobodu Medij, Reporters Without Borders, Article 19