Poland - December 2024
Former Deputy Justice Minister flees corruption charges
On 12 December, prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for opposition Law and Justice (PiS) party MP Marcin Romanowski, who fled to Hungary in December. He has been charged with participating in organized crime and abusing his power while serving as Deputy Justice Minister under the previous government. The opposition PiS party has claimed the charges are politically motivated, and Romanowski argues he would not receive a fair trial in Poland. Since coming to power in October 2023, the coalition government has pledged to hold former government officials accountable for alleged corruption and abuses of power. On 19 December, Hungary granted Romanowki political asylum after he fled Poland. On 23 December, Romanowski made several demands in a letter to the Polish Justice Minister as conditions for his return, including reversing key judicial reforms. Poland has threatened to challenge Hungary at the European Court of Justice if it fails to comply with the European arrest warrant system. As a next step, the Budapest Metropolitan Court will decide whether to extradite Romanowski to Poland.
Sources: Notes from Poland (1), Notes from Poland (2), Balkan Insight, Euronews, Polsat, Metropolitan Police