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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Pakistan - May 2024

Punjab government passes controversial defamation bill

On 20 May, the Punjab Provincial Assembly passed the Punjab Defamation Act of 2024, establishing special tribunals to handle fake news allegations with fines of up to 3 million Pakistani Rupees (approximately USD 10,750) without needing proof of damage or loss. The law permits tribunals to suspend or block the social media account or website on which the alleged defamatory content was posted – a move coinciding with Pakistan’s intermittent blocking of X (formerly Twitter) since February. Press freedom advocates and rights bodies have criticized the bill for its severe penalties and the potential for misuse against government critics, calling for its withdrawal and citing threats to press freedom. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has raised concern that the bill was passed in a rushed manner with no meaningful consultation with civil society and media stakeholders. The Act has been challenged in the Lahore High Court, with petitions filed mere hours after it was signed into law.

Sources: Dawn, International Federation of Journalists, The Diplomat

Primary categories and factors
Rights -1 Rights  (-1)
Civil Liberties
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of The Press
Secondary categories and factors
Participation Participation
Civil Society

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