Norway - December 2024
Parliament votes to extend legal period for abortion
On 12 December, Parliament passed its first abortion law changes since 1978. The legislation extends the legal period for self-determined abortion from 12 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. New tribunals will assess applications for people seeking abortions after 18 weeks, which must be composed of a majority of female medical and legal experts. The amendments ensure the right to follow-up care after a self-determined abortion or miscarriage. They also include provisions to strengthen the right of minors and people with disabilities to a self-determined abortion, as well as the right to information and guidance, and prohibit abortion through force or coercion. In 2019, UN experts expressed concern that people with disabilities are subjected to involuntary abortion. The changes are based on recommendations set out by the Abortion Committee, a public committee of healthcare professionals, lawyers and academics, in a December 2023 report. The amendments enter into force on 1 June 2025.
Sources: NRK, Regjeringen (1), Regjeringen (2), Jurist, Abortutvalget, VG, UN, Women’s Rights Association (NKF)