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Western Asia

Attacks against freedom of expression, dissent and religious freedom continue under the Ortega regime

Continued attacks against the freedom of the press have been ongoing for years in Nicaragua, yet in another negative development, CNN’s signal was cancelled in the country. Vice-President Rosario Murillo explained this determination by stating that CNN’s content was in violation of the Constitution of Nicaragua and vulnerated national sovereignty. In addition, a journalist and three employees of La Prensa newspaper – whose staff mainly work in exile, given that its offices were shut down by the government - have been accused of conspiracy. 

Members of the Catholic church have condemned governmental actions that target the free exercise of religion. Members of religious orders continue to be denied re-entry to the country – including for Nicaraguan nationals - and the celebration of a religious festival that had been due to take place on 20 September has also been prohibited.

Sources: Confidencial, La Prensa Latina, Panam Post, Voz de America

Primary categories and factors
Rights -1 Rights  (-1)
Civil Liberties
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of The Press
Freedom of Religion

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