Mexico - February 2024
President presents constitutional reform proposals
On 5 February, President López Obrador presented 18 constitutional and two legal reform proposals encompassing social issues such as pensions, welfare programs, and minimum wage, and those focusing on institutional reforms. The latter propose changes within the judicial and electoral systems, the restructuring and streamlining of autonomous institutions and the role of the National Guard. Some controversial proposals include the appointment of members of the National Electoral Institute (INE), the Electoral Tribunal and justices of the Supreme Court through popular vote, the reduction in the number of congress members, and a new electoral reform that aims to reduce costs and the expenditure of political parties, among other issues.
Critics and opposition have expressed concern about their potential impact on the impartiality and independence of certain institutions, and on ensuring a level playing field for the 2 June elections. Though some of the reforms currently lack sufficient support to pass in Congress, at least prior to the elections, their debate in the following weeks and months may shape the electoral race.
Sources: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, El País, Gobierno de Mexico, Financial Times, DW