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Western Asia

National dialogue recommends extension of junta rule
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On 10 May, a national dialogue aimed at establishing peace in Mali delivered its conclusions in which, amongst other things, it recommended extending the military-led transition to democracy by two to five years. The transition had been due to end on 26 March 2024, almost three years after the coup that installed junta leader Colonel Assimi Goïta as the country’s transitional president. The dialogue also recommended that Goïta, be allowed to run for president at the end of the extended transition period, that rules governing political parties be tightened and that public funding for political parties be cut off. Goïta received the recommendations positively, instructing authorities to diligently implement the measures. Many political parties had boycotted the dialogue, which had involved consultations with a range of participants, and strongly rejected its recommendations. In April 2024, authorities had indefinitely suspended the activities of all political parties and associations.

Sources: Le Dialogue Inter-Maliens, Jeune Afrique (1), Jeune Afrique (2), Africa Confidential, Voice of America, International IDEA

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Representation 0 Representation  (0)
Free Political Parties
Elected Government

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