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Lithuania - May 2024

Incumbent wins presidential elections and referendum on citizenship fails
Election flag

On 26 May, the incumbent President Gitanas Nausėda (Independent) was re-elected for a second five-year term in a run-off against Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė of the centre-right Homeland Union party (Tėvynės sąjunga-Lietuvos krikščionys demokratai). Nausėda, a former economist at a multinational bank, won the presidential elections in a landslide with 74.2 per cent of the vote. Šimonytė came second with 24.3 per cent, and was the only female among the total eight presidential candidates. The voter turnout in the run-off was 49.7 per cent, whereas in the first round of voting on 12 May it stood at nearly 60 per cent. The two candidates also faced each other in a run-off in the 2019 presidential elections.

In a referendum held on 12 May parallel to the elections, a constitutional amendment to allow Lithuanians to hold dual citizenship failed to pass. Though 74.5 per cent of those who voted approved the change, voter turnout was not sufficiently high to meet the constitutional requirement that at least half of the total Lithuanian electorate must agree. Voter turnout in the referendum was 59.5 per cent.

Sources: VRK (1), VRK (2), LRT (1), LRT (2), Al Jazeera, Euractiv, ConstitutionNet

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