Kuwait - June 2023
Kuwaitis elect another opposition-led parliament, raising fears of continued deadlock
Kuwaitis voting in the country’s snap general election on 6 June elected a parliament in which opposition candidates (those not tied to Kuwait’s ruling family) hold 29 of the National Assembly’s 50 elected seats. The election was called after the Constitutional Court annulled the results of the September 2022 election in March 2023 and reinstated the previous parliament, which was in turn dissolved on 1 May 2023. The composition of the new parliament is similar to the one elected in 2022 (37 members retained their seat) and has given rise to concerns that it will mean a continuation of the deadlock between an assertive, elected parliament and the Emir-appointed government, which has paralysed the country’s politics. Only one female MP was elected, down from two in 2022. Women’s rights activists have attributed the decline to the growing influence of tribal and Islamist MPs. Voter turnout was 59.3 per cent (up from 50 per cent in 2022).
Source: The Jordan Times, American Broadcasting Company News, Al Jazeera, International IDEA