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Prime Minister Ariel Henry resigns as the Transitional Presidential Council is formed
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On 12 April, the formation of the Transitional Presidential Council, in charge of assigning a new Haitian government, was finalized. The Council, whose mandate runs out in February 2026, will seek to bring stability to the nation and reform justice through the establishment of autonomous state bodies, such as a Provisional Electoral Council. This prompted Ariel Henry, who has served as Prime Minister since July 2021, to resign on 24 April. On 30 April, the Transitional Council, which consists of nine Haitian politicians and civil society actors', out of which seven have voting rights, announced Fritz Bélizaire as the new Prime Minister. Bélizaire, who served as the Sports Minister in 2006-2011, was chosen by four of the Council members. Council members who oppose Bélizaire have threatened to challenge the decision or resign from the Council. At the same time, Haiti’s powerful gangs have continued to threaten more violence if their demand to have a seat at the negotiation table is not met.  

Sources: The British Broadcasting Corporation, Caribbean Life, National Public Radio, Le Nouvelliste 

Primary categories and factors
Representation 0 Representation  (0)
Elected Government
Rule of Law 0 Rule of Law  (0)
Personal Integrity and Security

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