Gabon - September 2023
Military junta enacts transitional charter, re-establishing institutions
The junta that deposed Ali Bongo Ondimba in August moved quickly to consolidate power after reopening the national borders in September. General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema was sworn in as ‘President of the Transition’ on 4 September. This investiture was enabled by a Transitional Charter that was published the same day. The Transitional Charter claims to supersede all other national laws and gives a great deal of power to the President. However, it also provides for transitional institutions including a National Assembly, a Senate, and a Constitutional Court, re-establishing institutions that had been declared to be dissolved by the coup. The Charter promises free and transparent elections but specifies no timeline for these to take place. Notably, the Transitional Charter forbids many officials in the transitional institutions from running for President in the elections to follow but does not prevent the President of the Transition from standing as a candidate. Also of note in September: former opposition presidential candidate (and former prime minister) Raymond Ndong Sima was appointed Prime Minister in the transitional government on 11 September.
Sources: Le Monde, Jeune Afrique, Radio France Internationale, AfricaNews, British Broadcasting Corporation, Africa Report