Costa Rica - February 2024
Costa Rica holds municipal elections
On 4 February, Costa Rica held subnational elections of authorities from its 84 municipalities and 492 districts. Despite voting being mandatory in Costa Rica (albeit, with no sanctions for not voting), turnout was particularly low at 31 per cent (the lowest turnout since 2010), and five percentage points less than in the previous subnational process.
This was the first time that measures to ensure gender parity in the lists of candidacies (both for single-seat constituencies and proportional representation) were implemented.
Significantly, the Electoral Tribunal’s President expressed concern over the aggressive disinformation campaign targeting members of the Tribunal and aiming to prevent elections from taking place, an issue also highlighted by an OAS electoral observation mission. According to the latter, multiple stakeholders agreed in their concern over the risk of illicit funding of campaigns, given organized crime’s increased presence in the country.
Sources: Organization of American States, El Pais, International IDEA