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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Argentina - March 2024

Government denialism of dictatorship crimes grows, sparking outrage by protesters

Milei´s administration has released statements downplaying dictatorship atrocities and the severity of crimes against humanity committed during the military regime (1976-1983). This constitutes a departure from a long-held consensus within the political class and civil society to condemn such crimes and prosecute the perpetrators. Critics have sounded alarms related to the government’s decisions to cut funding for essential Memory, Truth, and Justice policies. Human rights organizations have expressed grave concerns, warning of the endangerment of Memory sites and the obstruction of ongoing and future trials for crimes against humanity. The release of a video on the government’s official website questioning the widely accepted figure of 30,000 dictatorship victims has sparked outrage across society. As a clear response to this, hundreds of thousands of Argentines demonstrated across the country to mark the anniversary of the country´s last coup and to protest the concerning rise of a "dictatorship denialism" narrative.

Source: Pagina 12 (1), Pagina 12 (2), The Guardian, Association of State Workers

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