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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Ukraine - August 2023

Wartime crackdown on corruption widens

The Ukrainian government has intensified its wartime crackdown on corruption and prosecution of suspected collaborators. On 11 August President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the dismissal of all heads of regional military recruitment centers following a “comprehensive inspection” intended to root out corruption and bribery announced the month before. Further ambitious anti-corruption moves in recent months include the reopening of the “Rotterdam+” energy sector corruption case and continued efforts to investigate corruption among high-ranking civil servants. However, some civil society actors have raised concerns that some reforms, such as restructuring the Constitutional Court, instead primarily concentrate power in the presidency.

Sources: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, openDemocracy

Primary categories and factors
Rule of Law +1 Rule of Law  (+1)
Absence of Corruption

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