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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Comoros - January 2024

Riots, a curfew, and Internet shutdown after contested election

Comoros’ capital city, Moroni, was rocked by riots in the days after the official result of the presidential election was announced by the Independent National Election Commission (Commission Electoral National Independante, CENI) on 16 January. The CENI reported that incumbent President Azali Assoumani had been re-elected for a fourth term, in an election with only 16.3 per cent turnout. Opposition candidates alleged that the election was manipulated through fraud and the stuffing of ballot boxes. Demonstrations against the official result of the election turned violent as demonstrators blocked roads, burned vehicles, set fire to the home of a government minister, and looted shops and a food depot. The police responded with force, including the use of tear gas. One protestor was reported to have been killed and at least 25 injured. A curfew was ordered, the army was deployed to keep order, and Internet access was disrupted.

Sources: France24, Al Jazeera, Associated Press, Access Now

Primary categories and factors
Rule of Law -1 Rule of Law  (-1)
Personal Integrity and Security
Secondary categories and factors
Representation Representation
Credible Elections
Rights Rights
Civil Liberties
Freedom of Expression

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