Political Finance Database

40. If there are limits on the amount a political party can spend, what is the limit?

Theme Regulations of spending
Description If there is a limit on the amount that a political party can spend, this question covers that amount

Breakdown by continent

Continent No data Not applicable Other Countries researched
Africa 6
Americas 0
Asia 2
Europe 1
Oceania 0
Other 0
Total 9 112 4 125

Country Answers

Country Year Value (Text) Details
Afghanistan 2021 Not applicable
Albania 2021 The total expenditures made by an electoral subject, including its candidates, for an electoral campaign must not exceed 3 times the highest amount that an electoral subject has received from public funds for electoral purposes, in accordance with Article 88 of this Law. Any electoral campaign expenditure shall be documented and implemented in compliance with the effective fiscal legislation. For the purpose of this Law, “campaign expenditure” shall mean any expenditure made by a party or its candidates for electoral campaign purposes, regardless of the date it is made.
Algeria 2021 Not applicable
Andorra 2018 200.000 euros in case of elections for the General Council in national lists 30.000 euros in case of elections for the General Council in parishes lists an additional 0,30 euro cent for every person inscribed in the electoral census of the corresponding constituency
Angola 2019 Not applicable
Antigua and Barbuda 2018 Not applicable
Argentina 2019 The flat rate equals to the amount of an index included in the annual budget of the country
Armenia 2021 National Assembly election: 500,000,000 AMD National Assembly election (second round): 200,000,000 AMD Yerevan municipal election: 300,000,000 AMD Other municipal elections with over 25,000 electors: 60,000,000 AMD Municipal elections with between 4,000-25,000 electors: 40,000,000 AMD
Australia 2019 Not applicable
Austria 2023 7 million euros
Azerbaijan 2023 Not applicable
Bahamas 2018 Not applicable
Bahrain 2021 Not applicable
Bangladesh 2018 Yes
Barbados 2018 Not applicable
Belarus 2018 Not applicable
Belgium 2018 EUR 1,000,000
Belize 2018 Not applicable
Benin 2018 500,000 francs for the election of members of village or neighborhood, city Councils; 1,500,000 francs for municipal and communal elections; 15,000,000 francs for legislative elections;2,500,000,000 francs for the presidential elections
Bhutan 2018 Nu.130,000 from the Election Commission of Bhutan plus funds from party (which should not exceed the fund provided by the Election Commission of Bhutan)
Bolivia 2019 Not applicable
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018 Limit based on number of voters and type of election: 0.20 KM per voter for the elections of members of Cantonal Assemblies, 0.30 KM per voter for all other elections
Botswana 2021 Not applicable
Brazil 2019 Minimum 5% and maximum 15% of the value destined to finance campaigns reserved in bank accounts for this purpose
Bulgaria 2021 The amounts of spending depend on the type of elections and the actors involved in the respective campaigns (parties, coalitions or nomination committees).
Burkina Faso 2018 Not applicable
Burundi 2021 Not applicable
Cabo Verde 2018 Not more than 80% of the overall amount of the State subsidy for the elections in question.
Cambodia 2018 Not applicable
Cameroon 2019 Not applicable
Canada 2019 CAD 0.735 multiplied by the number of names appearing on the preliminary or revised electoral lists for each electoral district.
Central African Republic 2021 No data
Chad 2021 Not applicable
Chile 2018 Varía según la elección
Colombia 2021 Limits on campaign spending change for each election, and are imposed to the campaign. For 2022, they are: $96.215.827.231 (for Senate – ordinary electoral district), $2.886.474.816 (for Senate – indigenous special electoral district), between $1.506.613.332 and $20.093.516.658 (for Representative Chambers, according to the number of voters) Source: Resolución No. 0227 de 2021 And for Presidential Candidates: $ 27.453.094.557 (first round), $ 12.840.703.931 (run-off) Resolución No. 1677 de 2021
Comoros 2021 Not applicable
Congo, Democratic Republic of 2018 Not applicable
Costa Rica 2021 Not applicable
Croatia 2018 Not applicable
Cyprus 2018 Not applicable
Czechia 2018 Not applicable
Côte d'Ivoire 2018 Not applicable
Denmark 2021 Not applicable
Djibouti 2018 Not applicable
Dominica 2018 Not applicable
Dominican Republic 2021 It depends on the office
Ecuador 2021 Spending limit depends on the public office election. For national and provincial assemblymen, governors and regional governors and the binomial prefecture and vice prefecture: limit is the amount resulting from multiplying the value of of zero comma fifteen cents of the United States of America by the number of citizens recorded in the registry of the respective jurisdiction. In no case will the spending limit be less than US$ 15,000.
Egypt 2019 Not applicable
El Salvador 2018 Not applicable
Equatorial Guinea 2021 No data
Estonia 2019 Not applicable
Eswatini 2018 No data
Ethiopia 2019 No data
Fiji 2021 Not applicable
Finland 2018 Not applicable
France 2019 Not applicable
Gabon 2018 No data
Georgia 2023 Other (explain in comments in local currency)
Germany 2019 Not applicable
Ghana 2018 Not applicable
Greece 2023 Other (explain in comments in local currency)
Grenada 2018 Not applicable
Guatemala 2018 USD $.0.50 for each registered citizen (to vote) until Dec 31st of prior year to elections.
Guinea 2018 The limit is set by decision of the President of the INEC
Guinea-Bissau 2018 Not applicable
Guyana 2018 In the excess of the sum of fifty thousand dollars multiplied by the number of candidates, not exceding 53 on the list of candidates
Haiti 2018 In the context of private financing of political campaigns, the law states that: "The ceiling for each level is as follows: a) For a candidate for the post of Presidenthe t of the Republic, one hundred million gourdes (100,000,000); b) For a candidate for the post of the Senator, twenty million gourdes (Gdes 20,000,000); (c) For a candidate for the office of Deputy, one million five hundred thousand gourdes (Gdes 1,500,000); d) For the post of a Mayor, one million gourdes (Gdes 1,000,000); (e) For a post of CASEC, two hundred and fifty thousand gourdes (Gdes 250,000); f) For a candidate for ASEC, one hundred thousand gourdes (Gdes 100,000)."
Honduras 2021 The limits for campaign expenses shall be set for each electoral process
Hungary 2018 Not applicable
Iceland 2018 Not applicable
India 2019 Not applicable
Indonesia 2021 Not applicable
Iran, Islamic Republic of 2021 Not applicable
Iraq 2019 250,000 Iraqi dinars multiplied by the number of candidates on the political entity’s list multiplied by the number of voters in the constituency.
Ireland 2023 Other (explain in comments in local currency)
Israel 2018 Not applicable
Italy 2019 1 EUR times the number of citizens who are registered as voters in the constituencies where the parties have presented lists of candidates (for national parliament) | 1 EUR times the number of persons eligible to vote for the Chamber of Deputies (for European parliament) | 1 EUR multiplied by the number of persons eligible to vote for the Town Council (for municipal elections) | for others election, the maximum amount varies according to the size of the town/city
Jamaica 2018 630,000,000 GHS
Japan 2018 Not applicable
Jordan 2019 No data
Kazakhstan 2018 Not applicable
Kenya 2023 Not applicable
Kiribati 2018 Not applicable
Korea, Republic of 2023 Other (explain in comments in local currency)
Kosovo 2023 Other (explain in comments in local currency)
Kyrgyzstan 2021 The calculated indicator=100, 3000000*100=300,000,000 KGS
Latvia 2023 Other (explain in comments in local currency)
Lebanon 2019 No data
Lesotho 2021 Not applicable
Liberia 2018 Representative candidate; USD 400,000 [I$ 711,000] Senate candidate: USD 600,000 [I$ 1,100,000]Vice President candidate: USD 1,000,000 [I$ 1,800,000]President candidate: USD 2,000,000 [I$ 3,600,000](These limits apply also for the supporting political parties)
Libya 2021 Determined by The High National Election Commission.
Liechtenstein 2021 Not applicable
Lithuania 2023 Other (explain in comments in local currency)
Luxembourg 2018 Not applicable
Madagascar 2018 Not applicable
Malawi 2023 Not applicable
Malaysia 2021 Not applicable
Maldives 2018 Not applicable
Mali 2018 Not applicable
Malta 2018 Not applicable
Marshall Islands 2018 Not applicable
Mauritania 2018 Not applicable
Mauritius 2018 Not applicable
Mexico 2019 The spending limit is calculated and varies for each election and office contested.
Micronesia, Federated States of 2018 Not applicable
Moldova, Republic of 2019 Not applicable
Monaco 2018 No data
Mongolia 2023 Other (explain in comments in local currency)
Montenegro 2021 Presidential candidates may spend up to the amount of the total budget allocation for election campaigns plus the maximum amount established for private donations. The spending limit for parliamentary and local elections is determined by the Agency for Prevention of Corruption (APC).
Morocco 2021 Not applicable
Mozambique 2018 Not applicable
Myanmar 2018 Not exceeding 10,000,000 MMK (ten million kyat)
Namibia 2018 Not applicable
Nauru 2018 Not applicable
Nepal 2018 Every party was free to spend up to NPR 200,000 (€1,639) per PR candidate seeking a seat in the House of Representatives and up to NPR 150,000 (€1,229) per PR candidate running for a seat in a provincial assembly.
Netherlands 2023 Not applicable
New Zealand 2023 Other (explain in comments in local currency)
Nicaragua 2021 Not applicable
Niger 2018 Not applicable
Nigeria 2023 Other
North Macedonia, Republic of 2021 MKD 110 per registered voter
Norway 2018 Not applicable
Pakistan 2021 Not applicable
Palau 2018 Not applicable
Panama 2023 Other
Papua New Guinea 2018 Not applicable
Paraguay 2019 10% of the minimum wage for each enfranchised voter within the candidate´s electoral district.
Peru 2021 Not applicable
Philippines 2018 Five pesos for every voter currently registered in the constituency or constituencies where the party has official candidates.
Poland 2019 Not applicable
Portugal 2018 Up to 10.000 the value of the minimum wage depending on the election.
Republic of The Congo (Brazzaville) 2018 Not applicable
Romania 2018 Not applicable
Russian Federation 2018 Maximum 700 million RUB for a political party (for Parliamentary elections) and maximum 400 million RUB for a candidate running for the Presidential elections.
Rwanda 2019 Not applicable
Saint Kitts and Nevis 2018 Not applicable
Saint Lucia 2018 Not applicable
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2018 Not applicable
Samoa 2021 Not applicable
San Marino 2018 It cannot exceed the public funds given to the largest group in parliament, some EUR 630,000 for 2016 elections.
Senegal 2021 Not applicable
Serbia 2023 Not applicable
Seychelles 2021 Not applicable
Sierra Leone 2018 Not applicable
Singapore 2018 Not applicable
Slovakia 2023 Other
Slovenia 2018 Limit is based on the number of eligible voters; exact limit depends on the type of election.
Solomon Islands 2018 Not applicable
South Africa 2021 Not applicable
Spain 2018 General elections: EUR 0.24 [I$ 0,33] per resident in the electoral districts where the party presents its list European Parliament elections: EUR 0.12 [I$ 0,16] per resident Municipal elections: EUR 0.07 [I$ 0,10] per resident Additionally EUR 96,162 [I$ 131,000] for each province where the political party meets certain conditions
Sri Lanka 2018 Not applicable
Sudan 2018 No data
Suriname 2018 Not applicable
Sweden 2018 Not applicable
Switzerland 2023 Not applicable
Syrian Arab Republic 2018 Not applicable
São Tomé and Príncipe 2021 Not applicable
Taiwan 2021 Not applicable
Tajikistan 2018 Not applicable
Tanzania, United Republic of 2021 Limit determined by the 'Minister responsible for political parties'
Thailand 2018 THB 1,500,000 x The number of party list candidates per a political party per election
The Gambia 2018 Not applicable
Timor-Leste 2018 Not applicable
Togo 2018 Legislative election: ten million (10,000,000) francs CFA per candidate Local election: five million (5,000,000) francs CFA per candidate
Tonga 2018 Not applicable
Trinidad and Tobago 2018 Not applicable
Tunisia 2023 Other
Turkey 2021 Not applicable
Turkmenistan 2018 Not applicable
Tuvalu 2021 Not applicable
Uganda 2018 Not applicable
Ukraine 2021 540 000 000 UAH - the maximum sum to be deposited at the electoral fund of a PP during elections to the Parliament (in 2021).
United Kingdom 2018 £30,000 per constituency or £810,000 (England), £120,000 (Scotland) and £60,000 ] (Wales), £30,000 per constituency in Northern Ireland
United States 2018 The coordinated party expenditure limit is the greater of 2 cents multiplied by the voting age population of the State or $20,000. This limit does not apply to independent expenditures.
Uruguay 2021 Not applicable
Uzbekistan 2018 Not applicable
Vanuatu 2018 Not applicable
Venezuela 2021 Not applicable
Yemen 2018 Not applicable
Zambia 2018 Not applicable
Zimbabwe 2018 Not applicable
Total number of countries in selected sample: 181
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