Saint Kitts and Nevis
Question | Value |
1. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to political parties? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) There are no prohibitions, for example, on anonymous or foreign donations, as is the case in much of the region. |
2. Is there a ban on donations from foreign interests to candidates? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) There are no prohibitions, for example, on anonymous or foreign donations, as is the case in much of the region. |
3. Is there a ban on corporate donations to political parties? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Political party and campaign financing in Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
4. Is there a ban on corporate donations to candidates? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Political party and campaign financing in Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
5. Is there a ban on donations from Trade Unions to political parties? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Political party and campaign financing in Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
6. Is there a ban on donations from Trade Unions to candidates? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Political party and campaign financing in Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
7. Is there a ban on anonymous donations to political parties? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
There are no prohibitions, for example, on anonymous or foreign donations, as is the case in much of the region. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
8. Is there a ban on anonymous donations to candidates? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
There are no prohibitions, for example, on anonymous or foreign donations, as is the case in much of the region. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
9. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to political parties? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The current regime is characterized by an absence of regulations or restrictions on the amount that parties can raise or spend for electoral purposes. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
10. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with government contracts to candidates? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The lack of transparency and the absence of rules or restrictions on campaign donations make it difficult to know the amounts, groups, or individuals involved in financing campaigns. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
11. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with partial government ownership to political parties? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The lack of transparency and the absence of rules or restrictions on campaign donations make it difficult to know the amounts, groups, or individuals involved in financing campaigns. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
12. Is there a ban on donations from corporations with partial government ownership to candidates? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The lack of transparency and the absence of rules or restrictions on campaign donations make it difficult to know the amounts, groups, or individuals involved in financing campaigns. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
13. Is there a ban on the use of state resources in favour or against a political party or candidate? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
14. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during a non-election specific period? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
15. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during a non-election specific period, what is the limit? |
Not applicable
16. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during an election? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The current regime is characterized by an absence of regulations or restrictions on the amount that parties can raise or spend for electoral purposes. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
17. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a political party during an election, what is the limit? |
Not applicable
18. Is there a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The lack of transparency and the absence of rules or restrictions on campaign donations make it difficult to know the amounts, groups, or individuals involved in financing campaigns. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
19. If there is a limit on the amount a donor can contribute to a candidate, what is the limit? |
Not applicable
20. Is there a limit on the amount a candidate can contribute to their own election campaign? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The lack of transparency and the absence of rules or restrictions on campaign donations make it difficult to know the amounts, groups, or individuals involved in financing campaigns. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
21. Is there a limit on in-kind donations to political parties? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
22. Is there a limit on in-kind donations to candidates? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The lack of transparency and the absence of rules or restrictions on campaign donations make it difficult to know the amounts, groups, or individuals involved in financing campaigns. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
23. Is there a ban on political parties engaging in commercial activities? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
24. Is there a ban on political parties taking loans in relation to election campaigns? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The lack of transparency and the absence of rules or restrictions on campaign donations make it difficult to know the amounts, groups, or individuals involved in financing campaigns. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
25. Is there a ban on candidates taking loans in relation to election campaigns? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The lack of transparency and the absence of rules or restrictions on campaign donations make it difficult to know the amounts, groups, or individuals involved in financing campaigns. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
26. Is there a ban on donors to political parties/candidates participating in public tender/procurement processes? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The lack of transparency and the absence of rules or restrictions on campaign donations make it difficult to know the amounts, groups, or individuals involved in financing campaigns. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
27. Are there provisions requiring donations to go through the banking system? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
Question | Value |
28. Are there provisions for direct public funding to political parties? |
No public funding available
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Political party and campaign financing in Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
29. What are the eligibility criteria for political parties to receive public funding? |
Not applicable
30. What is the allocation calculation for political parties to receive public funding? |
Not applicable
31. What are the provisions on 'ear marking' direct public funding to political parties (how it should be used)? |
Not applicable
32. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for political parties? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Members of the opposition and members of civil society also complained that the state-owned television station did not provide equitable coverage to the campaigns of opposition parties. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
33. What criteria determine allocation for free or subsidized access to media for political parties? |
Not applicable
34. Are there provisions for free or subsidized access to media for candidates? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Members of the opposition and members of civil society also complained that the state-owned television station did not provide equitable coverage to the campaigns of opposition parties. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
35. Are there provisions for any other form of indirect public funding? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Political party and campaign financing in Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
36. Is the provision of direct public funding to political parties tied to gender equality among candidates? |
Not applicable
37. Are there provisions for other financial advantages to encourage gender equality in political parties? |
BLANK Source
In the absence therefore of any meaningful advance of women in national elections and correspondingly, in Parliament, political parties have recently purportedly committed themselves to ensuring that women ‘play prominent roles otherwise’. These include appointments as party chairpersons, Speaker of the House of Representatives and as Senators. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
Question | Value |
38. Is there a ban on vote buying? |
BLANK Source
105. Definition of bribery. (1) The following persons shall be deemed guilty of bribery within the meaning of this Act: (a) every person who, directly or indirectly, by himself or herself or by any other person on his or her behalf, gives, lends, or agrees to give or lend, or offers, promises, or promises to procure or to endeavour to procure any money or valuable consideration to or for any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or for any other person in order to induce any voter to vote or refrain from voting, or corruptly does any such act as aforesaid on account of any voter having voted or refrained from voting at any election; (b) every person who directly or indirectly, by himself or herself or by any other person on his or her behalf, gives or procures; or agrees to give or to procure, or offers, promises, or promises to procure or to endeavour to procure, any office, place or employment to or for any voter, or to or for any person on behalf of any voter, or to or for any other person in order to induce such voter to vote or refrain from voting, or corruptly does any such act as aforesaid on account of any voter having voted or refrained from voting at any election; (c) every person who, directly or indirectly, by himself or herself or by any other person on his or her behalf, makes any such gift, loan, offer, promise, procurement or agreement as aforesaid to or for any person, in order to induce such person to procure, or endeavour to procure, the return of any person as an elected member of the National Assembly, or the vote of any voter at any election; (d) every person who, upon or in consequence of any such gift, loan, offer, promise, procurement or agreement, procures or engages, promises or endeavours to procure the return of any person as an elected member of the National Assembly or the vote of any voter at any election; (e) every person who advances or pays or causes to be paid, any money to or to the use of any other person with the intent that such money, or any part thereof, shall be expended in bribery at any election, or who knowingly pays or causes to be paid any money to any person in discharge or repayment of any money wholly or in part expended in bribery at any such election; (f) every voter who, before or during any election, directly or indirectly, by himself or herself or by any other person on his or her behalf, receives, agrees, or contracts for any money, gift, loan or valuable consideration, office, place, or employment for himself or herself or for any other person, for voting or agreeing to vote, or for refraining or agreeing to refrain from voting at any election; (g) every person who, after any election, directly or indirectly, by himself or herself or by any other person on his or her behalf, receives any money or valuable consideration on account of any person having voted or refrained from voting, or having induced any other person to vote or refrain from voting at any such election. Source: Article 105 (1), National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
39. Are there limits on the amount a political party can spend? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The current regime is characterized by an absence of regulations or restrictions on the amount that parties can raise or spend for electoral purposes. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
40. If there are limits on the amount a political party can spend, what is the limit? |
Not applicable
41. Are there limits on the amount a candidate can spend? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
42. If there are limits on the amount a candidate can spend, what is the limit? |
Not applicable
43. Are there limits on the amount that third parties can spend on election campaign activities? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
44. Are there limits on traditional media advertising spending in relation to election campaigns? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
45. Are there limits on online media advertising spending in relation to election campaigns? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The current regime is characterized by an absence of regulations or restrictions on the amount that parties can raise or spend for electoral purposes. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
46. Do any other restrictions on online media advertisement (beyond limits) exist? |
BLANK Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
Question | Value |
47. Do political parties have to report regularly on their finances? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Political parties are not required to adopt standardized accounting mechanisms or produce reports to the electoral authority. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
48. Do political parties have to report on their election campaign finances? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Political parties are not required to adopt standardized accounting mechanisms or produce reports to the electoral authority. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
49. Do candidates have to report on their election campaign finances? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
50. Do third parties have to report on election campaign finances? |
There are no regulations regarding political party and campaign financing. Source
The lack of transparency and the absence of rules or restrictions on campaign donations make it difficult to know the amounts, groups, or individuals involved in financing campaigns. Source: Constitution of Saint Christopher and Nevis, 1983 Source: National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |
51. Is information in reports from political parties and/or candidates to be made public? |
Not applicable
52. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates reveal the identity of donors? |
Not applicable
53. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates include information on itemized income? |
Not applicable
54. Must reports from political parties and/or candidates include information on itemized spending? |
Not applicable
55. Which institution(s) receives financial reports from political parties and/or candidates? |
No Institution specified
56. Which institution(s) is responsible for examining financial reports and/or investigating violations? |
No institution specified
57. What power is granted to the institution(s) responsible for examining reports and/or investigating violations? |
Not applicable
58. What sanctions are provided for political finance infractions? |
Sanctions are provided only in case of bribery. Source
109. Penalty for bribery, treating or undue influence. Every person who is found guilty of bribery, treating or undue influence, under the provisions of this Act shall, on summary conviction thereof, be liable to imprisonment for twelve months or a fine of one thousand dollars. Source: Article 109, National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009)
111. Disqualification for bribery, etc. Every person who is convicted of bribery, treating, undue influence, or personation, or of aiding, counselling or procuring the commission of the offence of personation shall (in addition to any other punishment) be incapable during a period of seven years from the date of conviction (a) of being registered as a voter, or of voting at any election; (b) of being elected a member of the National Assembly or, if elected before his or her conviction, of retaining his or her seat as such member. Source: Article 111, National Assembly Election Act, 1952 (revised 2009) |