The advancement of artificial intelligence brings opportunities for journalistic coverage in terms of task optimization and automation. At the same time, AI can bring risks, such as the proliferation of misinformation. Addressing these threats and seizing opportunities requires ongoing training and updating.
Ahead of the presidential 'election' in Russia scheduled for 15-17 March 2024, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) wishes to underscore the importance of upholding the defining principles of independent international election observation. These include, among others, unimpeded access to key phases of the electoral cycle and to electoral personnel, freedom of movement across the country, and freedom to issue statements and reports.
On 6 February 2023, with a nine-hour interval, two earthquakes measuring 7.8 and 7.5 on the Richter scale struck southern Türkiye. The earthquakes struck approximately four months before the country’s 2023 presidential and legislative elections.
In Brazil, Internet and social media have been long used by political parties and candidates to campaign, but it was only in 2017 that organic electoral advertising on social media, social media boosting and paid promotion in web search engines were included in the list of permitted electoral campaign expenditures.
The Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (RoLAC) in Nigeria, supported by the European Union and implemented by International IDEA, embarked on an entry visit to Plateau State between Monday, March 11, and Tuesday, March 12, 2024.
En 2024, la mitad de la población adulta del mundo votará en 62 elecciones nacionales y locales en todo el mundo, lo que marcará un récord histórico.
In 2024, half of the world’s adult population will vote in 62 national and local elections around the world, marking a historical record.
Local government elections in Nigeria have long been marred by rampant rigging and manipulation, favouring incumbents and ruling parties. Since the 1950s, political interference has plagued these elections, thwarting the goal of establishing truly representative local governments.
Risks are inherent features of any electoral process.
Female politicians and young women aspiring to join politics from 47 counties have received a five-day training from the 5th Women in Political Participation (WPP) Academy on how to enhance their political leadership skills, promote inclusivity in political participation and inspire young women to join politics.
Many countries strive towards a ‘gender-sensitive parliament’. But how is this ideal translated into reality? Who are the actors and what are the factors involved in these reforms? This is what a new publication aims to find out.
The Political Parties Regulation Commission, with support from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) has started a district level training of political parties on the use and implementation of the intra-party dispute resolution guide. The aim is to support the establishment of permanent infrastructures within political parties to identify, mitigate, transform, and resolve conflicts within these parties.
In 2023 we will find outstanding advances in the election of women in Latin America, but at the same time, effective equality continues to be a goal that seems distant and with complex challenges.
En el 2023 encontramos avances importantes en la elección de mujeres en América Latina pero, al mismo tiempo, la igualdad efectiva sigue siendo una meta que parece lejana y con retos complejos.
IDEA Internacional participa junto a Fundación Mohme en la fundación de “Micaelas”, la nueva Red de Periodistas Políticas Mujeres del Sur del Perú, que busca promover y dinamizar el diálogo político e inclusivo en: Arequipa, Ayacucho, Puno, Apurímac y Cusco.
Las barreras informales y formales a la toma de decisiones políticas de las mujeres todavía existen, seis años antes de la expiración de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Entre los factores informales que todavía presenciamos, la cultura, la tradición y la religión se están utilizando para diluir la participación significativa de las mujeres en la toma de decisiones políticas. Este Día de la Mujer debería ser un momento para reflexionar sobre cómo las mujeres influyeron en algunas decisiones políticas importantes.
In a bid to foster democracy and increase advocacy on human rights, International IDEA and the European Union have established a new partnership with the CSO-Gender Platform, which is part of support for the consolidation of democratic dispensation in The Gambia (EU-CODE Project).
The recently concluded fifth Women Political Participation (WPP) Academy by the Forum for Africa Women Educationalists (FAWE) was a residential five-day training. It targeted women who hold political positions in Kenya’s government, women who vied in the 2022 Kenyan general election, young women aspiring to join politics whose age bracket is between 18 to 35 years, and student leaders. The participants were drawn from the 47 counties within Kenya.
For the forthcoming 'election' on 15-17 March, the Russian authorities plan to open polling places in some regions of Ukraine, currently occupied and annexed by Russia.
As has been underscored by the United Nations, the European Union and democratic nations across the globe, Russia’s actions gravely violate international law, the UN Charter and laws of Ukraine. Russia is once again assaulting Ukraine's sovereignty and the integrity of its democratic institutions.