En un contexto de creciente preocupación por proteger la integridad de las elecciones en Europa frente a amenazas internas y externas, las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de 2024 revisten una importancia significativa. El 9 de abril de 2024, los partidos políticos europeos se reunieron en un compromiso fundamental para defender prácticas de campaña éticas y justas antes de las elecciones.
Against the backdrop of growing concerns about protecting the integrity of elections in Europe from internal and external threats, the 2024 European Parliament elections carry significant importance. On 9 April 2024, European political parties gathered in a pivotal commitment to uphold ethical and fair campaign practices leading up to the elections.
Popular uprisings, protests and unconstitutional regime changes are common characteristics of political change and political life in Africa. The decade 2011–2021 has seen a wave of popular uprisings slamming against the bedrock of long-established autocratic regimes.
El uso masivo de herramientas de inteligencia artificial generativa representa un reto para el periodismo, tanto en términos de optimización de recursos como en la prevención de amenazas relacionadas a la desinformación y las noticias falsas. Para el especialista en transformación digital hondureño Rogelio Umaña, es importante fortalecer los principios del buen periodismo para aprovechar la tecnología en beneficio de la cobertura política.
The widespread use of generative artificial intelligence tools poses a challenge for journalism, both in terms of resource optimization and in preventing threats related to misinformation and fake news. According to Honduran digital transformation specialist Rogelio Umaña, it is important to strengthen the principles of good journalism to leverage technology for the benefit of political coverage.
In an era where digital platforms have become arenas for political discourse, fuelling the use of unethical campaigning and the spread of disinformation, trust in the legitimacy of election campaigns grows in importance.
On March 29, 2024, Kyiv hosted a momentous conference titled "The Role of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Path to Full Membership of Ukraine in the European Union," organized by International IDEA in collaboration with NGO "Internews-Ukraine" and the Ukrainian Parliament’s Committee on Ukraine’s Integration into the European Union. This conference became a pivotal platform for defining the strategic directions for the development of parliamentarism within the context of Ukraine's European integration. The discussion was moderated by experts of the USAID RADA: Next Generation Program.
Mientras África navega por este súper año de elecciones, la integridad electoral y de la información y los derechos de voto se verán presionados debido a la naturaleza de suma cero de la política africana.
As Africa navigates this super year of elections, election and information integrity and voting rights will come under pressure due to the zero-sum nature of Africa's politics.
International IDEA’s Anna Dziedzic spoke to Dr Yu Jie Chen to hear her reflections on the 2024 Taiwanese elections. They discuss the implications of the new status quo – in which neither of the two major parties hold a majority of legislature seats – and the increasingly sophisticated ways that Beijing seeks to influence Taiwan’s elections.
International IDEA’s Anna Dziedzic spoke to Dr Yu Jie Chen to hear her reflections on the 2024 Taiwanese elections. They discuss the implications of the new status quo – in which neither of the two major parties hold a majority of legislature seats – and the increasingly sophisticated ways that Beijing seeks to influence Taiwan’s elections.
De cara a las elecciones generales del 5 de mayo de 2024, IDEA Internacional en Panamá, en conjunto con el PNUD, la Oficina de Igualdad de Género y el Instituto de Estudios Democráticos del Tribunal Electoral, presenta el Calendario político electoral de género, en un esfuerzo por promover la participación política de las mujeres en Panamá.
Within the framework of its MOU with the ECOWAS Network of Electoral Commissions (ECONEC) and with funding from the European Union, through the – ‘Strengthening Pan-African Capacities for Electoral Observation and Assistance project, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) supported the ECONEC Peer Support and Learning Mission (PSLM) to the 24 March 2024 Senegalese Presidential Election .
With support from the Rule of Law and Anti-corruption (RoLAC) Programme, the Legal Aid Council of Nigeria and the Nigeria Police Force have intensified efforts to ensure that crime suspects have access to justice while in detention through the provision of legal aid under the Police Duty Solicitors Scheme (PDSS).
El Secretario General de IDEA Internacional, Dr. Kevin Casas-Zamora, se unió a 20 líderes de opinión de todo el mundo en Bruselas para una mesa redonda de múltiples partes interesadas organizada por la Fundación Nobel sobre Inteligencia Artificial (IA), Medios y Democracia, a principios de este mes de marzo.
International IDEA’s Secretary-General, Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora, joined 20 thought leaders from around the world in Brussels for a multi-stakeholder roundtable hosted by the Nobel Foundation on Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Media and Democracy, earlier this March.
According to a 2019 survey, 12.8 per cent of Myanmar’s 54.38 million population (an estimated 5.9 million people) live with disabilities. In a survey conducted for the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) in 2022
Con el apoyo del Programa Estado de Derecho y Anticorrupción (RoLAC), el Consejo de Asistencia Jurídica de Nigeria y la Fuerza de Policía de Nigeria han intensificado sus esfuerzos para garantizar que los sospechosos de delitos tengan acceso a la justicia mientras están detenidos mediante la prestación de asistencia jurídica en el marco del Plan de abogados de servicio policial (PDSS).
Marcela Ríos Tobar, Directora para América Latina y el Caribe de IDEA Internacional, participó en una ronda de reuniones en Uruguay del 13 al 15 de marzo que contempló su presentación ante autoridades, organismos de cooperación internacional y socios del proyecto activo en el país.
The advancement of artificial intelligence brings opportunities for journalistic coverage in terms of task optimization and automation. At the same time, AI can bring risks, such as the proliferation of misinformation. Addressing these threats and seizing opportunities requires ongoing training and updating.