Historically, conducting elections during wartime has been a rare and complex endeavor. While some countries have managed to hold elections despite active conflicts, most have chosen to postpone elections until conditions allow for a free, fair, and secure electoral process.
Natural resources feature prominently in many political and economic settlement processes after conflict. When these processes include constitutional reform, it may be expected that mechanisms for natural resource governance would be included in the new constitutional framework, but often this is not the case.
One of the particularities of what is currently being negotiated between Saudi Arabia and Ansar Allah is that the parties are contemplating establishing a revenue allocation mechanism in the absence of an overarching constitutional or political framework.
عملت المؤسسة الدولية للديمقراطية والانتخابات في عام ٢٠١٦ مع خبراء بارزين في القانون الدستوري على وضع منهجية جديدة لتقييم الدساتير. وتتألف المنهجية من تقييم ‘أداء’ الدستور المعني، وهذا يتضمن تحديد أهدافه والسعي للتأكد من تحقيقها بناء على بيانات مأخوذة من مصادر مختلفة. وقد طبقت المؤسسة تلك المنهجية منذ ذلك الحين على عدد من البلدان بالتعاون مع خبراء وشركاء محليين.