The Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (RoLAC) Programme, implemented by International IDEA and funded by the European Union, recently hosted its inaugural State Project Steering Group (SPSG) meeting in Plateau State, in the north-central region of Nigeria. The SPSG serves as a standing committee and is responsible for overseeing the state RoLAC Programme, including approving its work plans and progress reports, among others.
The electoral Supercycle year of 2024 is giving evidence to the already significant impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on elections.
Más de 250 líderes políticos, civiles, premios Nobel y organizaciones a favor de la democracia firman una carta abierta antes de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo del 6 al 9 de junio, pidiendo a los líderes recién elegidos de la UE que defiendan la democracia con diez prioridades políticas en el país y en el extranjero.
More than 250 political, civil leaders, Nobel laureates and pro-democracy organisations sign open letter ahead of the 6-9 June European Parliament elections - calling on newly elected EU leaders to defend democracy with ten policy priorities at home and abroad.
The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), supported by the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (RoLAC) Programme, organised a two-day Sensitisation Workshop on the Persons with Disabilities (Accessibility) Regulations, 2023.
This Report delves into the financial aspect of online campaigning, depicting a landscape characterized by lax regulation, the proliferation of malicious actors, and limited oversight capabilities to keep pace with rapid changes. In this sense, the challenges facing Albania are no different from those being tackled across much of the democratic world.
Marcela Ríos Tobar, Directora Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de IDEA Internacional, participó del 2 al 5 de mayo de una misión de acompañamiento electoral en los comicios generales de Panamá, donde las y los panameños escogieron 885 cargos nacionales y subnacionales, incluyendo el Presidente y la Asamblea Legislativa.
Ensuring the orderly conduct of the next, post-war elections in Ukraine, in a manner that ensures the confidence of all electoral stakeholders in the process and the results of the election, will be vital for sustaining the country’s democratic development and successful reconstruction. These post-war elections will present challenges of unprecedented nature and magnitude, in the physical and online space, to the election management body and other state authorities mandated to protect the integrity of elections.
Garantizar la celebración ordenada de las próximas elecciones de posguerra en Ucrania, de manera que se asegure la confianza de todos los actores electorales en el proceso y los resultados de las elecciones, será vital para sostener el desarrollo democrático y la reconstrucción exitosa del país. Estas elecciones de posguerra presentarán desafíos de naturaleza y magnitud sin precedentes, en el espacio físico y en línea, al organismo de gestión electoral y otras autoridades estatales encargadas de proteger la integridad de las elecciones.
La desinformación climática y lo que significa para la conversación democrática fue el tema del primer evento de la Serie de Conferencias Públicas de Estocolmo sobre Cambio Climático y Democracia, que tuvo lugar el 23 de abril de 2024 en la sede de IDEA Internacional en Estocolmo.
Climate disinformation and what it means for the democratic conversation was the topic of the first event in the Stockholm Series of Public Lectures on Climate Change and Democracy, which took place on 23 April 2024 at International IDEA’s Headquarters in Stockholm.
Encabezada por Marcela Ríos Tobar, directora para América Latina y el Caribe de IDEA Internacional, un grupo de expertas y expertos electorales desarrollaron entre el miércoles 24 de abril y el domingo 28 de abril de 2024 una primera misión de asistencia técnica electoral al Instituto Nacional Electoral de México (INE).
Laws regulating the financing of electoral politics in Nigeria, including on political party and campaign finance, are guided by the 1999 Constitution, the 2022 Electoral Act, and the Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) 2022 Regulations and Guidelines for Political Parties. Despite the existing control and regulatory frameworks, political finance laws, guidelines and regulations are violated with impunity in Nigeria.
Just as the Government of Sudan signed several peace agreements and did not achieve sustainable peace, it also did not succeed in convincing the armed movements with which it signed peace agreements to engage in civilian life and abstain from armed political operations.
BRUSSELS – With increasing pressure on democracy globally, and the new security context in Europe, the enlargement of the European Union (EU) to new members in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans is back on the agenda of European leaders. But to maintain internal coherence and ease joint decision making, all members be it aspiring or current EU Member States, should fully embrace the rule of law.
Europe is at a critical juncture, with the new security context bringing forth a crucial question: How can an expanding EU maintain and strengthen rule of law at its core? With the support of the Belgium Ministry for Foreign Affairs, International IDEA delved into the interplay between the external and internal dimensions of the rule of law to assess how the EU can be ready for enlargement while standing firm on its values.
BRUSELAS – Con una presión cada vez mayor sobre la democracia a nivel mundial y el nuevo contexto de seguridad en Europa, la ampliación de la Unión Europea (UE) a nuevos miembros en Europa del Este y los Balcanes Occidentales vuelve a estar en la agenda de los líderes europeos. Pero para mantener la coherencia interna y facilitar la toma de decisiones conjunta, todos los miembros, ya sean aspirantes o actuales miembros de la UE, deberían abrazar plenamente el Estado de derecho.
La reunión bianual del Consejo y los eventos paralelos que se celebraron los días 23 y 24 de abril de 2024 reunieron a representantes de los Estados miembros y de los Estados observadores de más de treinta países para debatir los desafíos actuales a la democracia.
As artificial intelligence (AI), including its potential role in influencing elections, has become an increasingly important topic, electoral management bodies have to develop plans to respond to and, in some cases, use AI to maintain free, fair and secure elections.