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This lecture marks the first event in the Stockholm Series of Public Lectures on Climate Change and Democracy. This new initiative is a cooperation between renowned Stockholm-based institutions with a particular focus on climate change and democracy from different perspectives. It aims to inform, inspire, and engage experts and the general public alike by providing high-profile public lectures on the interlinkages between climate change and democracy followed by debate.
This case study examines Sweden’s comprehensive approach to enhancing election protection over the past eight years. In response to the rise of foreign interference and the proliferation of disinformation targeting the credibility
The promise of participation and how collective decision-making can get us to more effective climate policies was the topic of the third event in the Stockholm Series of Public Lectures on Climate Change and Democracy, which took place on 12 November 2024 at International IDEA’s Headquarters in Stockholm, with Greta Ríos.
It is with great sadness that the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) has received the news that our founding Secretary-General, Bengt Säve-Söderbergh, passed away on Thursday, 5 September. His dedication to the promotion of democracy was unwavering, his passion inspiring to all, and his vision—now reality—will be a global legacy.
Con gran tristeza, el Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y la Asistencia Electoral (IDEA Internacional) ha recibido la noticia de que nuestro secretario general fundador, Bengt Säve-Söderbergh, falleció el jueves 5 de septiembre. Su dedicación a la promoción de la democracia fue inquebrantable, su pasión inspiró a todos y su visión, ahora realidad, será un legado global.
Marcela Ríos, International IDEA's Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), met with representatives of the Swedish Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs, who officially visited Chile.
Is public deliberation the key to climate action? What is the role of climate assemblies? How can we best engage citizens to meaningfully participate in climate decision-making? These were some of the questions discussed in the second event in the Stockholm Series of Public Lectures on Climate Change and Democracy, on 11 June at International IDEA’s Headquarters in Stockholm, with Nicole Curato.
Climate disinformation and what it means for the democratic conversation was the topic of the first event in the Stockholm Series of Public Lectures on Climate Change and Democracy, which took place on 23 April 2024 at International IDEA’s Headquarters in Stockholm.
La desinformación climática y lo que significa para la conversación democrática fue el tema del primer evento de la Serie de Conferencias Públicas de Estocolmo sobre Cambio Climático y Democracia, que tuvo lugar el 23 de abril de 2024 en la sede de IDEA Internacional en Estocolmo.
Serving as the founding Secretary-General of International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Bengt Säve-Söderbergh played a key role in establishing International IDEA in February 1995. During his tenure as the first Secretary-General from 1995-2002, he positioned the Institute at the forefront of electoral assistance, gender equality, and democracy support.
Bengt Säve-Söderbergh, como secretario general fundador del Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y Asistencia Electoral, desempeñó un papel clave en el establecimiento de IDEA Internacional en febrero de 1995. Durante su mandato como primer secretario general, de 1995 a 2002, posicionó al Instituto a la vanguardia de la asistencia electoral, la igualdad de género y el apoyo a la democracia.
This Brief presents some findings on the Summit for Democracy process from the perspective of participating countries based on a selected number of interviews with representatives from the governments of six countries (Germany, Lithuania, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Zambia) and the European Union (European External Action Service).
The European Union has traditionally been one of the world’s staunchest advocates of democracy but major changes have affected the global democracy landscape in recent years. With the support of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, International IDEA led an analysis of the EU’s external democracy policy during 2022 to inform the EU discussion on democracy during Sweden’s 2023 Presidency of the Council of the EU.