La séptima Copenhagen Democracy Summit, celebrada los días 14 y 15 de mayo, reunió a aliados de la democracia de 90 países para unirse en la defensa contra las fuerzas autocráticas.
The 7th Copenhagen Democracy Summit, held on the 14th and 15th of May, brought allies of democracy from 90 countries to unite in the defence against autocrati
El Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y Asistencia Electoral (IDEA Internacional), en asociación con la Asamblea Nacional de Gambia y con el apoyo de la Unión Europea, organizó una Orientación de Actualización de tres días sobre ética en los procesos constitucionales y legislativos para miembros de la Asamblea Nacional de 30 Mayo al 1 de junio de 2024.
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), in partnership with the National Assembly of The Gambia and with support from the European Union, organised a three-day Refresher Orientation on ethics in constitutional and legislative processes for National Assembly Members from 30 May to 1 June 2024.
Climate change is one of the defining challenges of our time that will determine the fate of coming generations on our planet. Climate action since the 2015 Paris Agreement shows that while solutions are available, neither ambition nor implementation are progressing at the required pace.
Within the USAID “RADA: Next Generation” Program, International IDEA co-organized a closed online briefing for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the upcoming elections to the European Parliament and its impact on the EU political landscape.
En junio 2024, el Programa Estado de Derecho y Anticorrupción (RoLAC), financiado por la Unión Europea e implementado por IDEA Internacional, realizó una visita de entrada al estado de Abia. Esta visita marcó un paso significativo en la misión del programa de ampliar su impacto a niveles subnacionales en su desarrollo social, político y económico.
In June, the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (RoLAC) Programme, funded by the European Union and implemented by International IDEA, conducted an entry visit to Abia State. This visit marked a significant step in the programme's mission to expand its impact at subnational levels in their social, political, and economic development.
National elections are massively complex events with immense logistical challenges. They are frequently described as the largest peacetime activities ever undertaken within a nation. Election periods are also characterized by the campaign events organized by political parties and candidates that, at times, spend millions of dollars (US) on advertising and materials.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 6 June 2024: The European Union (EU), in coordination with the Governments of Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, and with technical support from International IDEA, is pleased to partner with the African Union Peer-to-Peer Mission (PTPM) on the occasion of the 2024 European Parliament Elections.
A principios de mayo de 2024, Suva organizó el Taller de Hoja de Ruta de dos días de duración, cuyo objetivo era empoderar a las partes interesadas locales en Fiji para que informaran de manera efectiva sobre las amenazas en torno a las elecciones.
In early May 2024, Suva hosted the two-day Roadmap Workshop, which aimed to empower local stakeholders in Fiji to effectively inform about threats surrounding elections.
El domingo 19 de mayo tuvieron lugar las elecciones presidenciales y congresuales en República Dominicana, las que fueron seguidas en el terreno por IDEA Internacional y otros organismos e invitados de diferentes países.
The presidential and congressional elections took place in the Dominican Republic on Sunday, May 19. International IDEA, other organizations, and guests from different countries followed the elections on the ground.
IDEA Internacional y la Oficina del Comisionado Electoral de Mauricio (OEC) recientemente volvieron a unir fuerzas para organizar un Taller de Desarrollo de Capacidades para la Protección de Elecciones en Port Louis. El taller sirvió como secuela del evento celebrado en febrero a principios de este año y tenía como objetivo empoderar aún más a las partes interesadas nacionales en la protección de la integridad electoral.
International IDEA and the Office of the Election Commissioner of Mauritius (OEC) recently re-joined forces to organize a Protecting Elections Capacity Development Workshop in Port Louis. The workshop served as a sequel to the event held in February earlier this year and aimed to further empower national stakeholders in protecting electoral integrity.
Durante su visita al presidente Bernardo Arévalo, Kevin Casas-Zamora presentó el trabajo de IDEA Internacional en América Latina y el Caribe. Intercambiaron perspectivas sobre los desafíos de la democracia en la región y, particularmente, en Guatemala, identificando sinergias para el fortalecimiento de las instituciones democráticas y coincidiendo en la relevancia de la reforma electoral.
During his visit to President Bernardo Arévalo, Kevin Casas-Zamora presented the work of International IDEA in Latin America and the Caribbean. They exchanged perspectives on the challenges of democracy in the region and, particularly, in Guatemala, identifying synergies for strengthening democratic institutions, and agreeing on the relevance of Electoral reform.
A Gambia Press Union’s Report on Sexual Harassment in the media of 2020 revealed distressing findings: one out of four media workers heard about alleged incidents of sexual harassment in their workplaces and one person out of 10 reported having been personally sexually harassed.
The Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Programme recently hosted the second Project Technical Committee (PTC) meeting in Abuja, convening federal stakeholders to review the work plan progress for the year 2024.