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International IDEA accompanied the presidential and congressional elections in the Dominican Republic

Misiones de observadores e invitados a las elecciones en República Dominicana
The presidential and congressional elections took place in the Dominican Republic on Sunday, May 19. International IDEA, other organizations, and guests from different countries followed the elections on the ground.

In the presidential elections, President Luis Abinader (PRM) was re-elected with 57.5% (99.7% of the votes counted), followed by former president Leonel Fernández (FP), with 28.8%. 

More than 400 international observers and guests attended the elections and formed more than 20 missions to monitor the process. Alicia del Aguila, Program Officer for Latin America and the Caribbean, was present for International IDEA throughout the days leading up to and during the election day.

It should be noted that the electoral organization made relevant advances, such as voting at home for people with mobility problems and the template for voters for citizens with visual disabilities.

In the preparatory sessions, informative talks were given on different aspects of the process. Regarding women's political participation, data for the Dominican Republic was presented from the ATENEA parity index, a program developed by International IDEA, the UNDP, and UN Women.

 The OAS participated with an Observer mission led by former Chilean president Eduardo Frei. Missions from the Union of Electoral Organizations (UNIORE), the European Union, the Central American Parliament, the Association of Electoral Magistrates of America, the Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America, and the Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (led by former president Luis Alberto Lacalle) were also present.

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About the authors

Alicia Del Aguila
Programme Officer, Latin America and the Caribbean
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