In an environment dominated by fear and repression, the sham presidential elections scheduled for 26 January 2025 will once again strip Belarusians of their right to elect a legitimate leader and shape their democratic future. For nearly 30 years, elections in Belarus have failed to meet the standards of being free and fair.
En un entorno dominado por el miedo y la represión, las elecciones presidenciales simuladas previstas para el 26 de enero de 2025 privarán una vez más a los bielorrusos de su derecho a elegir un líder legítimo y a forjar su futuro democrático. Durante casi 30 años, las elecciones en Bielorrusia no han cumplido los estándares de ser libres y justas.
To hold onto power and enforce total, fearful submission by its citizens, Belarus’ authoritarian regime has transformed itself into a totalitarian system. The human rights situation continues to deteriorate as the number of political prisoners grows and any dissenting voice is met with violence from the country’s security forces. Since the last presidential elections in August 2020, the regime has deepened and broadened its repression against independent media and journalists.