The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), through the Sierra Leone Democracy Strengthening Programme, funded by the European Union (EU) has facilitated a 4-day (19th – 22nd February) peer learning visit for the PPRC aimed at fostering shared learning and exploring best practices in political and campaign financing for the PPRC of Sierra Leone.
This is a most challenging time for Sudan and particularly for Darfur. One of the differences between now and 20 years ago is that Darfur was earlier in the spotlight, whereas today it has been forgotten, ignored or deliberately neglected.
El 22 y 23 de febrero de 2024 se llevó a cabo el VII Foro Trilateral Europa - América Latina - Norteamérica: Desafíos y oportunidades de una relación trasatlántica triangular; organizado por Atlantic Council, Real Instituto El Cano, la Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), con la colaboración de la Cooperación Española; en Segovia, España.
International IDEA and the Office of the Election Commission of Mauritius (OEC) recently organized a Protecting Elections Workshop in Port Louis, bringing together various national organizations with the mandate to organize or support elections to jointly map challenges to electoral integrity and identify courses of action.
Adopting a new constitution to fully reflect the new democratic principles on which The Gambia is building its new political system represents the mother of all reforms. The constitution indeed establishes and regulates the political institutions of the country and the relations between them.
En un momento de deterioro democrático para América Latina y el Caribe, la oficina regional de IDEA Internacional realizó la reunión de planificación 2024-2025 durante los días 19 y 20 de febrero. En la reunión participaron los gerentes de programas de las oficinas nacionales de Chile, Perú y Panamá.
India faces extremely high exposure to ecological threats and, therefore, it is important to consider the effects of natural hazards on electoral processes in the country. This case study explores adaptive measures adopted by the Electoral Commission of India (ECI) to safeguard the electoral process from natural hazards on the subnational and national levels.
In the complex landscape of modern governance, the practice of lobbying has reached unprecedented levels of sophistication with s
En el complejo panorama de la gobernanza moderna, la práctica del lobby ha alcanzado niveles de sofisticación sin precedentes con un gasto significativo. Con esta evolución surge una necesidad apremiante de una regulación efectiva del lobby para defender la integridad institucional.
To hold onto power and enforce total, fearful submission by its citizens, Belarus’ authoritarian regime has transformed itself into a totalitarian system. The human rights situation continues to deteriorate as the number of political prisoners grows and any dissenting voice is met with violence from the country’s security forces. Since the last presidential elections in August 2020, the regime has deepened and broadened its repression against independent media and journalists.
In a move to fortify Nigeria's stance against corruption, money laundry and associated security challenges of terrorism and kidnapping in the country, International IDEA, implementing the Rule of Law and Anti-corruption Programme (RoLAC) of the European Union supported a stakeholders sensitisation workshop by the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on Anti-Money Laundering, Countering Terrorist Financing, and Countering the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (AML/CFT/CPF) recently.
Nepal became a federal democratic republic following the Interim Constitution drafted in 2007, after a decade-long power struggle between the monarchy, political parties and the Maoist insurgents. Nepal's Election Commission has decentralized carrying out its election activities, with each district and province election office having the power to manage resources for the election in its respective area.
As part of our mandate to improve justice for vulnerable women and contribute to the eradication of sexual and gender-based violence, the International IDEA, through the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Programme and funded by the European Union, supported the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) and The Royal Women for Peace and Development Initiative (ROWPEDI).
In its first year, International IDEA, through the Rule of Law and Anti-corruption (RoLAC Phase II) Programme, pursued new high-level engagements at the Federal Level with the National Assembly to advocate for appropriate funding and oversight for the implementation of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act 2015, an innovative piece of legislation that provides robust protection and social welfare for victims of violence (including SGBV) and stringent punitive measures to punish
The International IDEA and its partners on 14 February 2024 organised the inaugural Steering Committee meeting for the Consolidation to Democratic Dispensation (CODE) Project funded by the European Union at the Bakadaji Hotel.
El 2 de junio de 2024 los ciudadanos mexicanos irán a las urnas para elegir miles de cargos de representación popular: la Presidencia de la República, nueve ejecutivos de entidad federativa, cientos de legisladores federales, miles de posiciones en gobiernos municipales y otro tanto para Congresos locales.
On the 3rd of December of, 2023, International IDEA joined the global community to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disability as part of our commitment to inclusion.
In a significant stride towards increasing access to justice for vulnerable groups, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistant, through the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (RoLAC) programme and funded by the European Union, supports various initiatives to expand legal aid services to people in need.
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), in collaboration with the National Assembly of The Gambia and supported by the European Union, hosted an induction meeting on 12-13 February 2024 at the Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Centre in Bijilo. This gathering marked a significant step towards resuming the Constitutional Reform Process in The Gambia.
In collaboration with the International IDEA, the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) launched the 2020-2021 industry audit reports on September 4th, 2023. Supported by the European Union through the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (ROLAC) program phase II, the event aimed to shed light on the operations within Nigeria's extractive industries, including Solid Minerals, Oil and Gas, Fiscal Allocation and Statutory Disbursements (FASD).