This is a most challenging time for Sudan and particularly for Darfur. One of the differences between now and 20 years ago is that Darfur was earlier in the spotlight, whereas today it has been forgotten, ignored or deliberately neglected.

The Sudanese Experts and Facilitators Group (SEFG), in collaboration with International IDEA, held a webinar on 31 October 2023 to explore the impact of the war in Khartoum on Darfur, especially in the light of its pre-existing interethnic conflicts.

The speakers, chosen for their expertise on and experience in Darfur, addressed a range of topics, including the war’s impact on conflict dynamics in Darfur; the importance of documenting the human rights and humanitarian impacts; and the prospects for ending the violence both in Darfur and in Sudan as a whole.

This Discussion Paper briefly analyses the armed conflict in Sudan and aims to guide the mediators, stakeholders and other protagonists towards ending war and beginning peacebuilding in Sudan.




Publication date
27 February 2024
Number of pages
978-91-7671-749-3 (PDF)



Executive summary

1. Background on Darfur conflict

2. Perspectives on the war in Sudan and its impact in Darfur

3. Plenary discussion

4. Conclusions


About the contributors


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The War in Khartoum and its Impact on Darfur

Discussion Paper 2/2024
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