The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), in collaboration with the National Assembly of The Gambia and supported by the European Union, hosted an induction meeting on 12-13 February 2024 at the Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Centre in Bijilo. This gathering marked a significant step towards resuming the Constitutional Reform Process in The Gambia.
La versión en español del sitio web aumentará el alcance de IDEA Internacional dentro de las comunidades de hispanohablantes.
This Discussion Paper reviews the performance of 16 lobbying registers according to 3 interlinked dimensions: (a) transparency; (b) regulatory capacity; and (c) interoperability. Under ‘transparency’, the paper examines the scope of lobbying information collected by the register in question, as well as how that information is administered and subsequently disclosed.
As part of its support to consolidating the rule of law and combating corruption, the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (RoLAC) programme Phase II being implemented by International IDEA in Nigeria has undertaken interventions to improve the training curriculum and programme of the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) in critical areas of policing, to enhance the performance, quality, and oversight of policing operations in the country.
The Inaugural Meeting of the Project Technical Committee for the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Programme (RoLAC II) convened on Thursday, 1st February 2024, at the Treasure Suites and Conferences in Abuja. This milestone event was attended by representatives from the Federal Ministry of Justice, the European Union, heads of boundary partner agencies, CSO representatives and International IDEA.
International IDEA's Board of Advisers had its first meeting of the year on 8 February 2024. During the session, the Board considered its agenda for the year, engaging in comprehensive discussions on possible programmatic and governance priorities. The Board also decided on its leadership for the coming years.
El domingo 4 de febrero de 2024 se realizaron en Costa Rica los sextos comicios para elegir autoridades municipales por los próximos 4 años en los 84 municipios y 492 distritos del país, para un total de 6,212 autoridades locales que resultaron electas.
El domingo 4 de febrero de 2024 se realizaron en Costa Rica los sextos comicios para elegir autoridades municipales por los próximos 4 años en los 84 municipios y 492 distritos del país, para un total de 6,212 autoridades locales que resultaron electas.
La Junta de Asesoría de IDEA Internacional celebró su primera reunión del año el 8 de febrero de 2024. Durante la sesión, la Junta consideró su agenda para el año, participando en debates integrales sobre posibles prioridades programáticas y de gobernanza. La Junta también decidió su liderazgo para los próximos años.
Costa Rica celebró las Elecciones Municipales el pasado 4 de febrero, contando con la participación de la Directora Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de IDEA, Marcela Ríos Tobar.
Costa Rica held the Municipal Elections on February 4, with the participation of the Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of IDEA, Marcela Ríos Tobar.
Este trabajo analiza la participación política de las mujeres en Paraguay y sus posibilidades de acceso a la representación bajo el cambio de reglas electorales sancionado en 2019 por el cual se incorpora el sistema de voto preferente o de desbloqueo de lista.
En un mundo que cada vez tiene más acceso a la información, la percepción de la realidad se ve amenazada por una fuerza insidiosa: la posverdad. Durante los cursos impartidos para candidaturas inscritas en las elecciones del 5 de mayo del 2024, así como para funcionarios del Tribunal Electoral de Panamá, el personal académico de la institución educativa ALEPH, advirtió sobre esta distorsión deliberada de la realidad que, mediante la manipulación de creencias y emociones, busca moldear la opinión pública y dirigir actitudes sociales.
¿Qué significa hablar de riesgos en el contexto electoral? ¿En qué momento un riesgo se convierte en amenaza? ¿Cómo podemos evitar que esa amenaza se convierta en una crisis que ponga en peligro la integridad electoral y la democracia en su conjunto? Estas preguntas fueron abordadas durante la visita del experto de IDEA Internacional, Sead Alihodzic, a la Ciudad de Panamá entre el 16 y el 20 de enero de 2024.
What does it mean to talk about risks in the electoral context? At what point does a risk become a threat? How can we prevent that threat from turning into a crisis that jeopardizes electoral integrity and democracy as a whole? These questions were addressed during the visit of International IDEA’s expert Sead Alihodzic to Panama City between 16 to 20 January 2024.
The 9 January election in Bhutan saw the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) led by a seasoned political leader, Dasho Tshering Tobgay, returned to the government after being ousted in the 2018 elections. As part of its electoral process, Bhutan has two rounds of elections.
With nearly 2 billion voters expected to head to the polls, 2024 has been dubbed a ‘super election year’. In fact, over the next 12 months, more than 70 countries will head to a presidential, legislative, or subnational election. Among them are seven out of ten of the world’s most populous countries, including India, the United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, and Mexico. Similarly, in South Asia, five out of its eight countries have held/are also planning to hold elections in 2024.
Online campaigning has been gaining prominence in Chile since the 2017 elections, featuring heavily especially during the five elections held after 2019. This case study highlights critical challenges related to online campaign finance, some of which are not unique to Chile.
This Report discusses the constitutional options that decision makers in Sudan can use as guidance in forming a government in conditions similar to what Sudan is going through. The Report discusses and analyses the essential forms of interim governments that can be applied in such situations of political and armed conflicts. It supports
such options with the international practices of those models for interim governments.
In 2024, nearly 3 billion people will have the opportunity to cast ballots in democratic elections all around the world. Safeguarding the integrity of these elections will require, in part, the availability of reliable election-related information, confidence in credible journalism and access to a diversity of viewpoints.