Online campaigning has been gaining prominence in Chile since the 2017 elections, featuring heavily especially during the five elections held after 2019. This case study highlights critical challenges related to online campaign finance, some of which are not unique to Chile. 

Changes were made to the regulation of electoral campaigning and advertising in Chile in 2016, in response to scandals involving political finance. These where the most significant reforms since political finance regulations were first adopted. However, the 2016 reform failed to keep pace with the explosive growth in new technologies and campaign tactics.

This case study looks at what has been done and what problems remain. It provides suggestions for stakeholders for improvement of political finance regulations in Chile.

This case study is part of International IDEA’s Political Finance in the Digital Age project.


Publication date
05 February 2024
Maria Jaraquemada
Number of pages
978-91-7671-734-9 (PDF)


Executive summary

1. Introduction

2. Political and legal framework

3. Patters in digital campaigning

4. Challenges related to online campaign finance in Chile

5. Conclusions and lessons learnt

6. Next steps


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Political Finance in the Digital Age in Chile

An Anachronistic Regulation
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