Within the framework of cooperation between International IDEA and the Francophone network for competencies in elections (Réseau des compétences électorales francophone, RECEF), a report was published (in French) on “Equality between women and men within EMBs and in electoral processes: challenges and courses of action for the EMBs of RECEF”.
Against the backdrop of the pandemic and an adversarial campaigning period, counting is almost complete and indicates a likely return for the Marcos political dynasty in the Philippines with the election of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. His father, overthrown in a 1986 revolution, is remembered as a dictatorial ruler accused of corruption, kleptocracy and brutality.
It is glaring from the high cost of nomination fees imposed by Nigerian political parties that the commercialization of politics is fast becoming an indelible feature of Nigeria’s political culture.
La democracia peruana atraviesa por su momento más crítico de las últimas dos décadas. Tras la caída del gobierno de Alberto Fujimori el año 2000 y el inicio de una transición encabezada por Valentín Paniagua, se abrigaba la esperanza de un fortalecimiento de la democracia y sus instituciones, así como una revitalización del sistema de partidos.
Para entender en qué quiere Rusia transformar a Ucrania sólo hay que mirar al norte del país. Una Ucrania subyugada que perdiera gran parte de su capacidad de decisión y se convirtiese en una suerte de vasallo moderno de Moscú sería un éxito. No sería necesario conquistarla, únicamente asegurarse de que el Gobierno de Kiev responde siempre a la llamada del Kremlin.
El pasado domingo 3 de abril, el economista Rodrigo Chaves, candidato del nuevo Partido Progreso Social Democrático (PPSD) fue electo presidente, en la segunda vuelta, con el 52.85% de los votos, derrotando al expresidente José María Figueres del histórico Partido Liberación Nacional (PLN) quien obtuvo 47.15%.
In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Meta announced a stark change in its policy.
In April 1953, six weeks after the death of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, eight years after the defeat of Nazi Germany, and three years before Soviet tanks crushed the Hungarian Revolution, US President Dwight Eisenhower delivered his "
Democracy cannot prosper without democrats. The challenges facing the democratic transformation in Sudan are immense. This report signified the power-sharing intricacies that had been in place for over two years between the civilians and military.
While the situation remains fragile, the conditions for peace seem to have ripened in Ethiopia.
Opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the institutional position of International IDEA, its Board of Advisers or its Council of Member States.
In the weeks since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the dominant Western narrative has focused on the need to defend not just Ukraine but “democracy.” Experts and leaders have equated support for Ukraine with the defence of the legitimacy of the democratic model of governance.
Opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the institutional position of International IDEA, its Board of Advisers or its Council of Member States.
When it became known in early 2020 that Covid-19 was becoming a global pandemic, it also became clear that governmental responses to the pandemic would have significant effects on democracy and human rights.
The experience of the Southern Gas Corridor from Azerbaijan illustrates the risks as Europe tries to find alternatives to Russian energy.
Opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the institutional position of International IDEA, its Board of Advisers or its Council of Member States.
The Young Women’s Democracy Academy (YWDA) is a three-month capacity-building programme dedicated to empowering young women between the ages of 18 and 24 with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance their political participation.
La soberanía se refiere al poder de mando en última instancia y se identifica con quien ejerce la autoridad suprema en un Estado (Bobbio, Matteucci, Pasquino, 2000). Si bien los textos constitucionales establecen comúnmente que la soberanía reside en el pueblo, la necesidad del contrato social hace que se deposite en el Estado. Así, es éste y sus instituciones quienes tienen la exclusividad sobre el ejercicio de autoridad, sin interferencia de otros.
While Serbian citizens are called to the polls on Sunday, the electoral campaign highlights longstanding challenges with democracy and the conundrum of choosing the EU accession path once and for all.
El pasado 23 de marzo, el Tribunal Electoral de Panamá (TE) lanzó el Plan General de Elecciones (PLAGEL), donde IDEA brindará asistencia técnica internacional.
This news article is available in English.
Las empresas son los actores más influyentes y con los mejores recursos cuando se trata del flujo de dinero en la política. Más de 70 de las entidades económicas más grandes del mundo son empresas, no países.