Democracy cannot prosper without democrats. The challenges facing the democratic transformation in Sudan are immense. This report signified the power-sharing intricacies that had been in place for over two years between the civilians and military.

The 25 October coup put an end to that partnership. Nonetheless, people in Sudan are increasingly determined to regain their democratic transition. Building Democracy requires more than extending goodwill. It has always been said democracy cannot prosper without democrats. In context, International IDEA Sudan’s Programme saw the need to explore the perceptions of the main stakeholder in the democratic transition of Sudan, its people.

The primary objective of this report is to study the perceptions among the Sudanese population of the motivations for and barriers to democratic participation. The study aims to generate a baseline of understanding to guide the design of further relevant civic education interventions.

Methodologically, this was achieved using primary and secondary data sources: 

  • Primary data was collected through direct fieldwork using a structured questionnaire, interviews, focus group discussions and key informant interviews, as well as participatory observation. 
  • Secondary sources were collated in a desk review of existing academic and public opinion research, such as data from Afro-barometer and the International IDEA Global State of Democracy Indices. 


Publication date
13 April 2022
Number of pages
Partners in Development Service (PDS)
978-91-7671-527-7 (PDF)
978-91-7671-528-4 (Print)




Executive summary

1. Introduction

1.1. Study rationale

2. Background: Transitional history and current context

3. Challenges and opportunities of the Sudan transitional period

4. Methodology and sampling 

5. The results 

5.1 Access to information

6. Understanding popular perceptions of the transition 

7. Conclusions 

8. Recommendations 


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About the Editor

About International IDEA

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Citizens’ Perceptions of Democratic Participation in Sudan

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