The Electoral Tribunal of Panama (ET) launched on 23 March 2022, the General Elections Plan (PLAGEL), by its acronym in Spanish, where International IDEA will provide international technical assistance.
Este artículo está disponible en español.
The Electoral Tribunal of Panama (ET) launched on 23 March 2022, the General Elections Plan (PLAGEL), by its acronym in Spanish, where International IDEA will provide international technical assistance.
How business acts in the political arena has a substantive, at times defining, impact on the integrity and fairness of policymaking and policy outcomes. Unfortunately, the conventional approach for regulating corporate conduct in this area faces a number of persistent challenges.
Since the coup conducted by the Myanmar military on 1 February 2021, the military regime has attempted to portray itself as the country’s legitimate government by arguing that it is adhering to the 2008 Constitution.
Businesses are the most influential, best-resourced actors when it comes to the flow of money in politics. More than 70 of the largest economic entities in the world are companies, not countries.
Members of Parliament from the Committees on Constitutional Affairs, Human Rights and Legality and on Public Administration and Local Government of the Mozambican Parliament jointly met over three days this past weekend to consider the Draft Law on Municipal Government, submitted to the Parliament by Government in 2021.
Voters in Timor-Leste went to the polls on 19 March 2022 to choose a President for a five-year term commencing on 20 May. This was the fifth presidential election since Indonesian rule had come to an end following a historic vote for independence on 30 August 1999. Contested by 16 candidates, four of whom were women, it marked a further consolidation of the country’s reputation as one of the strongest electoral democracies in South East Asia.
Increasing authoritarianism in some countries, such as Russia, coupled with gradual democratic erosion around the world, poses an exceptional threat to a rules-based global order, and consequently to peace and prosperity. The invasion of Ukraine is the most blatant and tragic realization of this threat.
As the world commemorates the 2022 International Women's Day, the plummeting of women's representation in elective office in Africa is alarming. According to the first Women's Political Participation (WPP) Africa Barometer 2021, women constitute 24 per cent of the 12,113 parliamentarians in Africa - 25 per cent in lower legislative houses and 20 per cent in the upper houses of parliament. Based on data from 19 sampled countries, women constitute 21 per cent of councilors in local councils.
IDEA Internacional ve la Cumbre por la Democracia como una oportunidad estratégica para colocar la democracia al frente y en el centro de la agenda global. La guerra en Ucrania subraya aún más la necesidad de que las democracias permanezcan unidas frente a las amenazas autoritarias. Por lo tanto, IDEA Internacional ha desarrollado un programa de compromiso estratégico en torno a las Cumbres por la Democracia en 2021 y 2023 y el Año de Acción 2022.
IDEA Internacional ve la Cumbre por la Democracia como una oportunidad estratégica para posicionar la democracia al frente y en el centro de la agenda global. La guerra en Ucrania subraya aún más la necesidad de que las democracias permanezcan unidas frente a las amenazas autoritarias. Por lo tanto, IDEA Internacional ha desarrollado un programa de participación estratégica en torno a las Cumbres por la Democracia en 2021 y 2022.
En la mayoría de las sociedades de todas partes del mundo, las desigualdades de género y la discriminación de la mujer siguen profundamente arraigadas, ya que las sociedades se caracterizan por sistemas, procesos y prácticas marcadas por mentalidades discriminatorias basadas en el género.
International IDEA views the Summit for Democracy as a strategic opportunity to place democracy at the front and center of the global agenda. The war in Ukraine underscores, even more, the need for democracies to stand united in the face of authoritarian threats. International IDEA has therefore developed a strategic engagement programme around the Summits for Democracy in 2021 and 2023 and the Year of Action 2022.
International IDEA is not giving up on its pursue to support the Sudanese people achieve their aspiration for democracy. Sudan’s Programme started the year 2022 with a set of goals adapted to suit the ever-changing atmosphere in Sudan. After the military coup on 25 October 2022, the needs and enablers in the country had to be adjusted but the commitment remains to push democracy agenda forward in this fluid situation.
International IDEA has made women's participation one of its main axes in improving the inclusiveness of electoral processes in the Arab region.
Gender-Sensitive Scrutiny: A Guide to More Effective Law-Making and Oversight is the new guide produced by INTER PARES | Parliaments in Partnership— EU Global Project to Strengthen the Capacity of Parliaments, which aims to contribute to making democracies stronger.
In a region that has seen the greatest progress in political gender equality in the last two decades, Paraguay stands out, but for the wrong reasons: it has the third-lowest percentage of women in parliament in the Americas, with 17.5%, roughly half the regional average of 33.9%. When considering other elective positions, the divide widens.
International IDEA works to reduce the gap between women's rights as affirmed in the legal texts in the different Arab countries and the low rates of women in decision-making positions.
En una región que ha visto el mayor progreso en igualdad política de género en las últimas dos décadas, Paraguay se destaca, pero por las razones equivocadas: tiene el tercer porcentaje más bajo de mujeres en el parlamento en las Américas, con 17,5%, aproximadamente la mitad del promedio regional de 33,9%. Al considerar otros puestos electivos, la brecha se amplía.
Mayor participación política de las mujeres, inclusión de sus voces y necesidades y eliminación de la violencia contra la mujer, son los temas abordados en obras de micro teatro que serán ampliamente difundidas en todo el Perú.
In most societies across all parts of the world, gender inequalities and discrimination against women remain deeply entrenched as societies are characterised by systems, processes and practices marked by gender based discriminatory mindsets.