Democracy organizations co-leads of the youth democracy cohort (International IDEA, The European Partnership for Democracy, the European Youth Network and Africtivistes) call on civil society organisations and other stakeholders around the world to promote youth political participation as a bedrock of the summit for democracy process for the future.
Calls to enfranchise people as young as sixteen are growing around the world, with some countries already adjusting the vote to align with the national age of employment, taxation, and military service.
In Australia, common consensus is lagging but some experts believe it is only a matter of time. From the sidelines of the Australian National University’s APSA conference, Billie Phillips spoke to Professor Lisa Hill about the growing movement.
The pre-summit for democracy forum, held in Lusaka, Zambia on the 27 and 28 of March 2023, aimed to facilitate the contextualization and localization of S4D2 conversations. The pre-summit provided a platform for African Civil society actors to connect, jointly reflect on various elements of elections in Africa, and input into S4D2 commitments from civil society and citizens' perspectives.
This paper provides an overview of the purpose, work and outputs of the 16 Democracy Cohorts established or announced by February 2023 in the context of the Summit for Democracy organized by the US Government.
The main contribution of the Democracy Cohorts to the Summit for Democracy process is as key drivers of change by following up on and scaling up existing commitments, and establishing a vision for democratic renewal beyond the Second Summit.
El próximo 26 de marzo del 2023 en Cuba se llevarán a cabo las elecciones para elegir a los diputados de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular.
El Salvador vivió desde 2010 una reforma al sistema electoral impulsada especialmente por la jurisprudencia constitucional, que cambió la forma de presentación de las candidaturas, introdujo las candidaturas no partidarias; obligó a la regulación del transfuguismo tanto para legisladores como para miembros de Consejos Municipales, la trasparencia de los partidos y reglas para su régimen interno, entre otros.
Tras el golpe de Estado de Pedro Castillo en diciembre, el Perú se mantiene en una crisis política con pocas salidas evidentes. A pesar de la mayoritaria desaprobación del Congreso y el Ejecutivo, las autoridades parecen convencidas de quedarse en sus cargos hasta el 2026.
On March 1, 2023 International IDEA hosted a panel at the 2023 Global Democracy Coalition Forum on Assessing the Global Democracy Landscape One Year after the First Summit, featuring experts from International IDEA’s Democracy Assessment unit, the Alliance of Democracies, Pew Research Center, Afrobarometer, and Harvard University.
Thirty years on from its initial democratic transition and after several changes of system, Mongolians are still seeking to improve the electoral process by addressing the mechanism for converting votes cast in elections to seats gained in the Great Hural. There is particular interest in mixed systems.
The first school for girls in Sudan was established in 1907 by a Mahdist warrior named Babiker Bedri, who realised from that time the importance of women's education. Initially, the classes were held at his home and were attended by nine of his own daughters and eight of his neighbours' young girls.
El Día Internacional de la Mujer (8M) se conmemora este año en Paraguay en el marco de la campaña para las Elecciones Generales y Departamentales del 30 de abril 2023, en las que la ciudadanía elegirá a las autoridades del gobierno y del Congreso para los próximos 5 años.
La Autoridad Intergubernamental para el Desarrollo (IGAD) y el Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y Asistencia Electoral (IDEA Internacional) han firmado un Memorando de Entendimiento (MOU) para consolidar su asociación estratégica en el fortalecimiento de las capacidades regionales para la gobernanza democrática, los procesos electorales efectivos, la participación política, mediación y prevención de conflictos en los Estados miembros de la IGAD.
The Summit for Democracy is an initiative headed by the United States Government to discuss how to advance the Summit’s three broad themes: strengthening democracy and defending against authoritarianism; addressing and fighting corruption; and advancing respect for human rights.
The Summit for Democracy is an initiative headed by the United States Government to discuss how to advance the Summit’s three broad themes: strengthening democracy and defending against authoritarianism; addressing and fighting corruption; and advancing respect for human rights.
The Summit for Democracy is an initiative headed by the United States Government to discuss how to advance the Summit’s three broad themes: strengthening democracy and defending against authoritarianism; addressing and fighting corruption; and advancing respect for human rights.
The Summit for Democracy is an initiative headed by the United States Government to discuss how to advance the Summit’s three broad themes: strengthening democracy and defending against authoritarianism; addressing and fighting corruption; and advancing respect for human rights.
El Encuentro Suprarregional de Mujeres, celebrado en Córdoba, Argentina, el 9 y 10 de febrero, contó con la asistencia de más de 2400 personas y 200 autoridades y lideresas de diferentes provincias de Argentina, así como invitadas e invitados de Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile,
No parliament in the world is fully gender-sensitive. Women and gender-diverse people are relatively recent arrivals into political life, so many parliamentary institutions have developed without respect for their needs and experiences. This has led to discriminatory and exclusionary cultures, practices, and outcomes, many of which are unintentional.