La Oficina Electoral de Fiji (OFE) y el Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y Asistencia Electoral (IDEA Internacional) firmaron conjuntamente un Memorando de Entendimiento (MoU) en Canberra, Australia y Suva, Fiji, el jueves 25 de mayo de 2023 que restablece los lazos entre las organizaciones.
The strength of the Internet lies in its original design, which in some ways mirrors democratic ideas. As with the separation of powers in a true democratic state, the architecture of the Internet has no centre of control and allows power to flow from the bottom up and even from the margins, rather than always from above.
Las crisis presidenciales latinoamericanos ofrecen con frecuencia novedades para el estudio de la política comparada.
Aclaración: Las opiniones expresadas en este comentario son las del autor. Este comentario es independiente de intereses políticos o nacionales específicos. Las opiniones expresadas no representan necesariamente la posición institucional de IDEA Internacional, su Junta de Asesores o su Consejo de Estados Miembros.
Key takeaway: Digital tools can be applied to and leveraged in many areas of democratic governance such as inclusion, participation, transparency, accountability, decision-making, and innovation to positively impact democracy.
Del 15 al 19 de mayo, se desarrolló el Centro de Altos Estudios Parlamentarios, una iniciativa de la Escuela de Gobierno de Uruguay y de la Fundación Giménez Abad, conjuntamente con el Parlamento Latinoamericano y Caribeño (PARLATINO), que contó con el apoyo del Instituto para la Democracia y Asistencia Electoral (IDEA Internacional), y el financiamiento de la Unión Europea.
While the regulatory frameworks of most countries include some provisions on the transparency of political finance, the mere declaration of this principle is often not sufficient to guarantee a fair political competition or comprehensive accountability and integrity on the part of political actors.
Local governance comprises a set of institutions, mechanisms and processes through which citizens and their groups can articulate their interests and needs and mediate their differences. The participation of citizens in governance is one of the underlying components of democracy. Engaging citizens in the act of governance engenders transparency, improves accountability and public resource management and brings about good policy outcomes, development and the social well-being of citizens.
El entendimiento sobre la viabilidad y benignidad de los gobiernos de coalición en sistemas presidenciales ya está bastante consolidado en la literatura de ciencia política. No solamente no son más vistas con aprensión sino que ya son consideradas como banales.
La observación electoral, tanto internacional como ciudadana, consiste en la evaluación de los procesos electorales con base en la normativa nacional y los principios internacionales para elecciones democráticas. La observación de elecciones puede tener impactos positivos, como el efecto disuasorio sobre el fraude o el fortalecimiento de la confianza ciudadana y de la credibilidad del proceso.
La adopción en 2012 de la Declaración de principios globales para la observación y monitoreo no partidario realizado por organizaciones ciudadanas fue un hito en la historia de la observación electoral.
IDEA Internacional, junto con el PNUD, lanzaron el Plan de trabajo conjunto para el 2023 mediante el cual se operacionaliza el Memorando de Entendimiento firmado entre ambas instituciones el pasado mes de septiembre de 2022, en el marco de la 77ª sesión de la Asamblea General de la ONU (UNGA 77).
Constitution-making is often integral to achieving a new political settlement after conflict and in fragile settings. However, the process fails with relative frequency, in that actors cannot agree on a new text or the finalized text is not approved or ratified. While failure may be temporary—the process may resume after a period of time—it can also be costly.
Los resultados de la elección de miembros a integrar el Consejo Constitucional en Chile, organismo que será contraparte de la Comisión de Expertos, ha abierto muchas interrogantes, y al contrario de lo que se esperaba, el proceso queda con más incertidumbre que claridad luego de la votación del 7 de mayo de 2023.
During a crisis such as a public emergency, the effectiveness of parliaments should be assessed by considering their ability to activate in a timely manner the necessary disaster management legislative framework, and to provide oversight to ensure that such legislation is applied by the executive in a necessary, non-discriminatory and proportional way.
Turkey is preparing to hold presidential and parliamentary elections on 14 May, three months after two catastrophic quakes that affected 15.8 million people in the country’s southeastern part.
To support the efforts of the Albanian civil society organizations in their watchdog role and ability to track money flows in politics as well as to strengthen their capacities in making the best use of online systems, International IDEA and Rule of Law Centre of Finland, in partnership with Central Election Commission (CEC), hosted on April 19th in Tirana, a Peer–to–Peer dial
As the online space is increasingly the go-to spot for political campaigning, political parties and candidates have new methods to connect with citizens and communicate their policy priorities. However, the rules for political advertising established offline have been found to be insufficient in the online sphere. Online advertising tools are also used for manipulation campaigns that threaten the integrity of our elections.
The majority of the East Africa Member States have experienced conflicts since independence, and some countries remain in protracted conflict situations decades later. The region faces state and human security challenges caused by armed conflict, political crises, democracy, and governance deficits.
New global project funded by Canada supports tackling challenges to electoral integrity
Elections often have to be held in emergency situations. The Covid-19 pandemic was one of the most serious emergency situations that the world has seen. The rapid spread of the virus presented a huge humanitarian threat—but also an unparalleled challenge to electoral stakeholders globally seeking to protect electoral integrity during times of uncertainty.