This case study of Timor-Leste (part of the Protecting Elections project) highlights how the institutional capacity of an electoral management body (EMB) to handle risks, challenges and crises can flow from the availability of skilled and experienced staff—rather than just from formal risk management processes.
Constitution-building processes in Sudan have been continually manipulated by military and civilian governments and supported by narrow elites.
The involvement of youth in electoral and democratic governance processes is crucial for inclusive democratic governance globally, including the strengthening of Sierra Leone's democracy.
Centroamérica está sumida en su peor crisis en las últimas cuatro décadas.
Sudan has experienced four transitional periods in its post-independence history, all of which have failed to achieve the desired change. The fifth transition, which began in 2019, was hindered by the October 2021 coup d’état and later by the April 2023 armed conflict, resulting in yet another failed transition. This book delves into an investigation of these failed transitions and the challenges they faced.
International IDEA spoke to artist and photographer Mayco Naing on the sidelines of the Australian National University (ANU) Myanmar Update 2023, where she launched her exhibition, “How to quantify FEAR”.
A conversation between International IDEA's Secretary-General, Kevin Casas-Zamora and Martin Wolf, the author of the recently published book, The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism.
The Honorable Members and secretarial staff of the National Council of Bhutan attended a weeklong training program aimed at improving the use of public hearings—a formal proceeding designed to receive testimony from all stakeholders—in the house proceedings to improve oversight, scrutiny, and public engagement.
International IDEA and our partner, the Institute for Autonomy and Governance were hono
Quedan tan solo 23 días para las elecciones primarias en Argentina. Allí las coaliciones y partidos escogerán sus candidatos que competirán en las elecciones generales del 22 de octubre, y en una más que probable segunda vuelta electoral estipulada para el 19 de noviembre. De momento se observa un escenario de tercios, con creciente polarización tóxica entre los candidatos y con la incógnita de si el malestar ciudadano afectará los niveles de participación ciudadana.
Following the Second Summit for Democracy on 29-30 March 2023, International IDEA produced the report: Democratic Engagement after Two Summits for Democracy: Reviewing the Impact and Providing some Reflections for the Future, which looked into the impact of the Year of Action and the Second Summit.
Victoria held state elections on Saturday 26 November 2022. Six weeks previously, the state had suffered serious floods.
El 27 de enero de 2022, Xiomara Castro hizo historia al convertirse en la primera mujer en ocupar la presidencia de Honduras. Su increíble ascenso al poder, tras obtener 51.1% de los votos en una contienda que transcurrió en pleno retroceso democrático, marcó un hito a nivel regional.
IDEA Internacional desea expresar su reconocimiento al Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) por la oficialización de los resultados de las Elecciones Generales celebradas el pasado 25 de junio en Guatemala, así como por la convocatoria a la segunda vuelta presidencial programada para el 20 de agosto. En esta segunda vuelta participarán los binomios encabezados por Sandra Torres, representante del partido Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza, y Bernardo Arévalo, del Movimiento Semilla.
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) is implementing a two-year European Union-funded project titled: ‘Sierra Leone Democracy Strengthening Project’.
Dissatisfaction with democratic politics is fueled partly by the dominance of gerontocrats in politics and the disconnect between politics and citizens. The value citizens derive from politics is primarily influenced by the manner political actors practice the game of politics.
Desde 2019 El Salvador ha tenido cinco reformas electorales importantes: el voto desde el exterior con modalidad electrónica; la asignación de votos a una circunscripción sin relación con el elector; eliminación de la barrera temporal de reformas electorales y recientemente se efectuaron cambios en las circunscripciones municipales, modificación en la magnitud de las circunscripciones (legislativas y municipales) y cambio de fórmula electoral legislativa.
The European Union Delegation to the Gambia and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), on July, 6, 2023, held an event to officially launch a new project in the Gambia under the title “Supporting Consolidation to Democratic Dispensation in the Gambia (CODE)”.
Recientemente, Paraguay fue sede del Seminario Internacional Democracia y Elecciones: Entre Continuidades y Rupturas, organizado por IDEA Internacional, con apoyo de la AECID y de la Unión Europea. El evento convocó a una diversidad de actores políticos y sociales.