El Foro Global América Latina y el Caribe 2023, realizado los días 21 y 22 de septiembre en Nueva York, tuvo como conferencista magistral al Premio Noble de Economía Joseph Stiglitz, quien resaltó la necesidad de escuchar a las nuevas voces latinoamericanas a la hora de reescribir las nuevas reglas y marcos de la globalización.
International IDEA facilitated the discussion on the role of the open government for Ukraine's democratic resilience and reconstruction in the framework of the 8th Open Government Partnership Global Summit, which took place on September 6-7, 2023 in Tallinn, Estonia.
The Government of the Republic of Zambia, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), in commemoration of the International Day for Democracy 2023, organized a series of events under the title East and Southern Africa Regional Governance Forum.
In the lead up to the constitutional referendum, as part of its series on training and awareness raising activities, International IDEA Chad is providing young people and women with tools to help ensure that the constitutional and electoral reforms process are conducted in a consensual and peaceful manner.
En el período previo al referéndum constitucional, como parte de su serie de actividades de capacitación y sensibilización, IDEA Internacional Chad está brindando a jóvenes y mujeres herramientas para ayudar a garantizar que el proceso de reformas constitucionales y electorales se lleve a cabo de manera consensuada y pacífica.
Las elecciones subnacionales de 2023 en Colombia se realizarán en octubre marcadas por persistentes continuidades y, a su vez, cambios relevantes en la dinámica los actores políticos y en las reglas de juego institucionales y electorales. Estas variaciones cobrarán protagonismo en los comicios de octubre.
The curtains have come down on the digital campaign against hate speeches and false rumours on social media.
En los países de las Américas, la participación de las juventudes en la esfera política y partidaria suele verse limitada por barreras legales e institucionales como la edad mínima para presentarse a cargos, la falta de medidas de acción afirmativa y la exclusión de la toma de decisiones en los partidos políticos y otras organizaciones.
This case study examines several kinds of risks to electoral integrity present in Brazil and the role that the Electoral Justice plays in preventing and combating them. It addresses the risks, describing in each case the preventive policies as well as occasions on which some risks have materialized as threats. The paper also highlights some crisis management procedures in particular timely communication and proactive tools.
إن قوات الأمن الداخلي هي أساسا جهاز مكلف بالسهر على احترام حقوق الإنسان التي تمثل حجر أساس كل مجتمع ديمقراطي. وبسبب دقة هذه المسؤولية، فإنها تحتاج إلى منهاج عمل يساعدها على الاتزان في استعمال القوة حين يقتضي الأمر اللجوء إليها وعلى التعامل القانوني السليم مع كل وضعية تنتجها مقتضيات ممارسة المهام الأمنية.
New Zealand maintains a robust, long-established democratic system in the South Pacific. It enjoys a reputation for integrity and is generally ranked among the world’s top countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index. The outbreak of Covid-19 and the consequent first postponement of an election since World War II failed to mar that status.
نشأت فكرة المرصد منذ سنة ٢٠١٩ في إطار مشروع المؤسسة الدولية للديمقراطية والانتخابات المتعلق بالمادة الجامعة من الدستور التونسي والذي تعمل عليه المؤسسة منذ سنة ٢٠١٩.
As new political developments come to light in Thailand, the spotlight is again on the intricate relationship between money and politics in the country. The 2023 General Elections were watched closely not only for their outcomes but also for the way campaigns were funded and conducted.
One of the particularities of what is currently being negotiated between Saudi Arabia and Ansar Allah is that the parties are contemplating establishing a revenue allocation mechanism in the absence of an overarching constitutional or political framework.
On 4-5 July, 2023, in Tirana, Albania, International IDEA in cooperation with Rule of Law Centre of Finland and Center Election Commission of Albania hosted the regional roundtable on "Interinstitutional Cooperation on Digitalization of Electoral Processes and Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans".
The aim of this Report is to provide a situation analysis with a view to informing relevant political and third-party actors on the core issues that require resolution and negotiation.
Sudan’s post-independence history is characterized by durable disorders. The peak of these disorders was reached in 2011 when the South Sudanese voted overwhelmingly for secession. Between 1956 and 2019, Sudan had three short democratic governments and long military dictatorships.
Thailand has made several efforts to reform key aspects of its political finance system, including regulations relating to funding for political parties and election campaigns. Yet, several challenges remain that merit constant improvements and innovation to regulate political finance and put appropriate systems and processes in place to ensure enforcement.
The prevailing view is that with primarily human-generated content, democracy has suffered widespread erosion due to the proliferation of misinformation and the manipulation of specific narratives that enhance polarization. To what extent can the growth of massive content creation thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) deepen democracy erosion? What tools are at our disposal to protect democracy from AI threats?