International Women’s Day (IWD) an event borne from the suffrage women’s movement since 1909, is a day that globally celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Each annual celebration calls for action to accelerate gender equality which often is linked to other institutionalised and social driven inequalities. This year’s theme to embrace equity is yet another call for action.
Fiji has concluded the 2023 elections and the results are in. Although the Melanesian country has achieved the change in power that many had hoped for, the picture is less rosy for women’s representation in parliament. Could the offensive treatment women politicians received on social media be to blame?
Después de las cuestionadas elecciones presidenciales de 2018, la oposición venezolana de nuevo tiene el reto de superar las diferencias internas que le han impedido desarrollar una estrategia electoral eficiente que la convierta en una amenaza política para el régimen de Nicolás Maduro.
It is with deep sorrow and heavy heart that we share the sad news of Dr Bassma Kodmani’s passing. A highly reputed political scientist and a professor of International Relations at Paris University, she was the founder and board member of the Arab Reform Initiative, which she had led as Executive Director.
“The European Parliament has a commendable record of standing up for human rights and democracy, and International IDEA is keen to support that continued effort”.
عملت المؤسسة الدولية للديمقراطية والانتخابات في عام ٢٠١٦ مع خبراء بارزين في القانون الدستوري على وضع منهجية جديدة لتقييم الدساتير. وتتألف المنهجية من تقييم ‘أداء’ الدستور المعني، وهذا يتضمن تحديد أهدافه والسعي للتأكد من تحقيقها بناء على بيانات مأخوذة من مصادر مختلفة. وقد طبقت المؤسسة تلك المنهجية منذ ذلك الحين على عدد من البلدان بالتعاون مع خبراء وشركاء محليين.
Durante los años de cooperación, Proyecto de Panamá de IDEA Internacional en conjunto con el Tribunal Electoral de Panamá han establecido la inclusión de género como una de sus estrategias principales para la asistencia técnica.
International IDEA is saddened by the passing of Frene Ginwala on 12 January 2023, at the age of 90.
The Institute wishes to convey its deepest condolences and sympathies to the Ginwala family and the people of South Africa. Frene Ginwala served as a Board Member of International IDEA from 1995-1999, the very first years of the Institute.
IDEA Internacional lamenta el fallecimiento de Frene Ginwala el 12 de enero de 2023, a la edad de 90 años.
El Instituto desea transmitir su más sentido pésame y condolencias a la familia Ginwala y al pueblo de Sudáfrica. Frene Ginwala se desempeñó como miembro de la Junta de IDEA Internacional de 1995 a 1999, los primeros años del Instituto.
Every year, several institutions and organizations select a word of the year, reflecting the ethos, concerns, interests (and even internet searches) of people around the world during that time. One such institution is the Collins Dictionary, which selected “Permacrisis” as the word of the year for 2022.
Since 2014, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance has been working with Tunisian institutions and civil society to promote the implementation of proportionality in the country.
International IDEA’s Youth Democracy Academy is contributing to deeper youth engagement in Fiji’s democratic processes through investing in the country’s young people and their knowledge of democratic institutions processes.
La Segunda Vuelta Electoral (SVE), doble vuelta electoral o balotaje, es una variante de las fórmulas electorales de mayoría, y en América Latina (AL) su incorporación a los sistemas electorales se ha focalizado sobre todo en las elecciones presidenciales, aunque existen países que la contemplan también para otros cargos, casi siempre ejecutivos.
A recent major media investigation exposed a team of private contractors in Israel who allegedly interfered several elections in other countries by mobilizing disinformation campaigns. The incident has yet again highlighted the sophisticated techniques of election manipulation in the digital age.
Owen Gaffney talks to International IDEA's Head of Communications, Alistair Scrutton about climate change, sustainability and the future of our planet, joining a lot of dotted lines between politics, technology and science.
As Turkey grapples with the aftermath of two devastating earthquakes, questions have arisen about whether the 2023 general and presidential elections will be postponed or held under a state of emergency. According to International IDEA’s Democracy Tracker, Turkey’s democratic performance has been consistently declining over the past two decades.
En la política latinoamericana, la elección presidencial permanece como el momento cumbre para la ciudadanía, los partidos, los medios, así como en el interés internacional.
La democracia en América Latina vive “tiempos nublados” y está bajo fuerte asedio. El 2023 ha tenido un inicio turbulento. Los graves disturbios en Brasil, el pasado 8 de enero; la profunda crisis que atraviesa actualmente el Perú; y la descontrolada situación de violencia –al borde de la anarquía– que afecta a Haití (cada vez más cerca de convertirse en un Estado fallido) son tres fuertes campanazos de alerta que nos advierten acerca del complejo momento político que vive la región.