El día miércoles 21 de diciembre de 2022 en sede del Ministerio de la Mujer de la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, el Dr.
In this episode of Peer-to-Peer, we speak to Miguel de Brito and Domingos de Rosaria about cyclones Idai and Kenneth and their impact on Mozambique’s 2019 Presidential, Legislative and Provincial elections. This was the first time in recorded history that two strong tropical cyclones hit Mozambique during the same season.
International IDEA and the European Commission co-hosted a hybrid event on 13 December 2022, ‘Beyond the Summit for Democracy, opportunities and the way forward’. The first Summit for Democracy (S4D) and Year of Action put the spotlight on democracy at a critical time, it engaged leaders to formulate domestic and external commitments on democracy and human rights.
Canadá, representada por Jason LaTorre, embajador de Canadá en Suecia, entregó la Presidencia de IDEA Internacional a los Países Bajos, representados por Bengt van Loosdrecht, embajador de los Países Bajos en Suecia, en la reunión del Consejo de Estados Miembros celebrada el 1 de diciembre de 2022 en la sede de IDEA Internacional en Estocolmo y en línea.
El Consejo de Estados Miembros de IDEA Internacional, presidido por Canadá, aprobó por unanimidad que los Estados Unidos de América se conviertan en Observadores de IDEA Internacional el 1 de diciembre de 2022.
This news article is available in English.
Here are five events and trends from the last year that capture the most important developments in democracy and human rights across the continent.
Former Reuters environment correspondent and author of The Great Melt Alister Doyle talks about the role of the United Nations, especially the COP conferences, in dealing with the threat of climate change.
Los pasados 6 y 7 de octubre del 2022 se sostuvieron sesiones presenciales con el equipo de comunicaciones del Tribunal Electoral de Panamá para definir el Plan Central de Comunicación (PCC) para el primer semestre del 2023, como preparativo para las elecciones del 2024 que se celebrarán en la República de Panamá.
It was not until 1996 that Mexico freed itself from the curse of government-manipulated electoral processes that cast doubt on the democratic legitimacy of even the most widely supported of its successive post-revolutionary governments.
Federalism is a constitutional mechanism for dividing responsibilities between different levels of government in a country. It grants constituent units (i.e. substate territorial entities that may be called states, regions, provinces, Länder or cantons) a certain degree of autonomy (or self-rule) in regulating some policy areas.
The Taliban stormed to power and took back control of Afghanistan in August 2021. They have apparently reintroduced an autocratic Islamic Emirate, not unlike the system of governance that defined their first spell in power from 1996 to 2001. The Taliban’s swift military triumph put an end to the frail peace negotiations between the late Afghan government and the Taliban.
International IDEA conducted three webinars exploring corruption in the region as part of the “Democratic Development in the Melanesian webinar series 2022”. Absence of Corruption is one of the key attributes used to monitor the quality of democracy under International IDEA’s Global State of Democracy Indices.
Vote buying is an electoral campaign violation that occurs in many countries, which undermines the integrity of elections and is detrimental to democratic governance. Many factors beyond electoral politics drive vote buying. Such factors influence the ‘supply side’ (political actors’ decisions to engage in vote buying), the ‘demand side’ (voters’ willingness to participate in vote buying) or both.
Las protestas callejeras tienen en común el malestar de la gente.
El resultado de las “elecciones” para conformar las Asambleas Municipales del Poder Popular, celebradas el 27 de noviembre de 2022, es un claro reflejo de la profunda crisis política, económica y social en que Cuba está inmersa.
The Juba Peace Agreement (JPA), signed on 3 October 2020 by the Government of Sudan and the Sudan Revolutionary Front coalition of armed movement factions and political groups, partially succeeded in halting hostilities between the two sides. The agreement was signed as part of the democratic and peace building arrangements put in place for the transitional period. It opened the door to confidence building and conditions conducive to political consensus and dialogue.
Across all the regions of the world, women remain underrepresented in politics. There are several barriers that women encounter when aspiring for elective positions of power and decision-making. Though there has been a notable increase in women’s representation in decision-making, especially at the parliamentary level, there has simultaneously been an increase in violence against women in politics.
El Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y la Asistencia Electoral (IDEA Internacional) rechaza el intento de quiebre del orden democrático realizado por el señor Pedro Castillo al anunciar la disolución del Congreso de la República y la intervención de los poderes del Estado en contravención a la Constitución Política del Perú.