This report assesses the ways in which the semi-presidential form of government can be best structured to promote stable, democratic and inclusive governance in Ukraine.
As part of its support for the democratic consolidation process in Haiti and the promotion of women's rights, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) supported a workshop of Haitian women’s organizations to discuss constitutional amendments for gender equality on 1 March 2018.
La presidenta del TSE, Katia Uriona Gamarra, resaltó el compromiso asumido del OEP para ser garante de la democracia y resaltó que “estamos trabajando en la modernización de mejora y calidad por lo que esperamos que hasta fin de este año podamos contar con el ISO Electoral”, sostuvo la autoridad.
Katia Uriona Gamarra, president of the Electoral Supreme Tribunal (TSE) highlighted the commitment undertaken by the Electoral Body (OEP) to be a guarantor of democracy and stressed that “we are working on the modernization of improvement and quality, so we hope that by the end of this year we can obtain the Electoral ISO”.
Morocco’s constitutional reform in 2011 forms the basis of new laws and practices which increased civil participation in the decision-making process, but more remains to be done. How to strengthen the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) as “the cement between government and citizens”?
Resource wealth brings a unique set of challenges often known as the ‘resource curse’—challenges which political parties with informed and comprehensive policy positions are well positioned to help address.
Political parties have an important role to play in ensuring that natural resources are managed transparently, accountably and in the long-term best interests of their countries.
Abogado, politólogo, doctor en Derecho Internacional y director para América Latina y el Caribe de Idea Internacional, Daniel Zovatto es un agudo observador de los avances, retrocesos y particularidades del devenir democrático en la región. No sólo tiene en su haber más de cuarenta libros (como autor, coautor, editor, coordinador o compilador); en 2014 EsGlobal de España lo incluyó en su listado de los 50 intelectuales iberoamericanos más influyentes.
The Regional Director of International IDEA for Latin America and the Caribbean, Dr Daniel Zovatto, participated in the Elcano debate17: "The intense Latin American electoral cycle (2017-2019): where will the region evolve?", organized by the
El Director Regional de IDEA Internacional para América Latina y el Caribe, Dr Daniel Zovatto, participó en el debate Elcano 17: "El intenso ciclo electoral latinoamericano (2017-2019): ¿hacia dónde evolucionará la región?", organizado por el Real Instituto Elcano, la Fundación Botín e IDEA International, el pasa
On 26-28 February 2018, International IDEA hosted a dialogue session in Tunis between Yemen’s main political entities regarding their country’s future constitutional system of government.
استضافت المؤسسة الدولية للديمقراطية والانتخابات في الفترة 26-28 شباط/فبراير 2018 جلسة حوار في العاصمة تونس بين المكونات السياسية الرئيسية في اليمن حول النظام الدستوري المستقبلي للحكم في بلادهم. ونظمت الجلسة ضمن إطار مشروع أوسع نطاقاً إنطلق في نيسان/أبريل 2017 وهدف إلى مساعدة عملية السلام التي تقودها الأمم المتحدة.
International IDEA´s Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Director, Daniel Zovatto, participated in a high-level panel at the World Economic Forum on Latin America, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 13-15 March 2018.
Disclaimer: Views expressed in this commentary are those of the staff member. This commentary is independent of specific national or political interests. Views expressed do not necessarily represent the institutional position of International IDEA, its Board of Advisers or its Council of Member States.
La oficina de IDEA Internacional en Perú inició proyecto apoyado por la Unión Europea destinado a brindar asistencia técnica al debate político de la reforma electoral.
This article is available in English.
The office of International IDEA in Peru started with a project supported by the European Union to provide technical assistance for the political debate on the electoral reform.
Este artículo se encuentra disponible en Castellano.
At the occasion of the 2018 UN Commission on the Status of Women, the governments of the United Kingdom and Canada invited International IDEA to present at an activity on Celebrating and Advancing Women’s Political Participation in commemoration of the UK and Canada suffrage centenaries and exploring opportunities to increase women’s political participation and representation.
Political financing (of parties and election campaigns) is crucial for the quality of democracy and the integrity of elections. Democracy has no price, but it does have an operating cost. Accordingly, the use of economic resources is essential for political-electoral competition. Yet, money is a two-edged sword: it is necessary, but it is also problematic.
El financiamiento político (de partidos y campañas electorales) es clave para la calidad de la democracia y la integridad de las elecciones. La democracia no tiene precio, pero sí tiene un costo de funcionamiento. Por ello, el uso de recursos económicos es imprescindible para la competencia política-electoral. Pero el dinero es una espada de doble filo: es necesario, pero también es problemático.
The year 2017 was significant for elections in Nepal. The nation conducted local elections in May, June and September, as well as provincial and parliamentary elections in November and December. Throughout the local election period, Nepal’s National Election Observation Committee (NEOC) made effective use of International IDEA’s Electoral Risk Management Tool (ERMTool).
Gender inequality in the political process remains an important problem in all countries.
Women often have less access than men to the resources needed to successfully seek a party nomination or stand in an election, and political parties tend to nominate men to winnable positions.