Bolivia’s presidential elections will be held in 2019 and experts invited by International IDEA concur in asserting that the nation is now experiencing a premature electoral environment.
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Bolivia’s presidential elections will be held in 2019 and experts invited by International IDEA concur in asserting that the nation is now experiencing a premature electoral environment.
Las elecciones presidenciales en Bolivia tendrán lugar en el año 2019 y los expertos invitados por IDEA Internacional coinciden en afirmar que el país ya vive un clima electoral anticipado.
Unequal political representation of women in relation to men remains a problem all over the world. Just 23 per cent of the world’s members of parliament are women. A major contributing factor to this is the unequal access to the resources needed to successfully seek nominations or participate in electoral campaigns. In a similar vein, political parties are often gate-keepers that promote male candidates that they believe are more likely to attract funding.
The International Women’s Day 2018 campaign theme, #PressForProgress, is a strong call to action amid current world developments. It stresses that efforts to achieve greater gender equality and gender inclusivity are made best and more effectively when in tandem with partners, urging us all to form alliances with fellow advocates and friends.
There is broad consensus that a healthy, sustainable and representative democracy is one that is based on inclusive participation and representation. Gender equality and the empowerment of women in all spheres of life is imperative for development and democratic consolidation.
The advancement of gender equality and the political empowerment of women has been for many years a struggle that is faced not only at the highest political levels, but that has its roots in the basic power relationship among men and women in all interactions in life.
Women in Myanmar are facing many challenges as a result of traditional perceptions, institutional barriers, and societal norms. These challenges range from a lack of equal job opportunities, to difficulties participating in nation building or the political arena1.
On 13 and 18 February 2018, two major fires ravaged two important public markets in the country's capital, the Hyppolite and Port marketplaces located in downtown Port-au-Prince. The traders have suffered estimated loss of several thousand US dollars while the authorities, who formed an inter-ministerial commission under the leadership of the Ministry for Women's Affairs and Women's Rights to support the victims, have still not presented the official balance of the damages recorded.
Costa Rica, along with Guatemala and El Salvador, is one of the Central American countries with the longest-standing experience of providing for runoff or second-round elections in its legislation.
Costa Rica, junto a Guatemala y El Salvador, es uno de los países de Centro América con mayor experiencia en el uso del balotaje o la segunda vuelta.
This article is available in English.
International IDEA has provided technical assistance for the preparation of the new Peruvian electoral schedule to be applied in the elections this year. The aim was to streamline terms and avoid overlaps in the phases of the electoral cycle.
Organized crime networks dedicated to illicit trafficking of drugs, people and wildlife—as well as money laundering and cybercrime, among other activities—are engines of instability.
On 4 May 2017, International IDEA hosted the workshop ‘Political corruption and organized crime: Drivers, effects and responses’ at the 2017 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development, organized by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
Voting is the right of all adult citizens in Finland, regardless of where they might find themselves at the time of the election. On 17 January , the Embassy of Finland in Yangon organized an advanced voting day for Finns residing or traveling in Myanmar, ahead of the national presidential elections in Finland on 28 January. International IDEA’s Myanmar office arranged for the Union Election Commission (UEC) Chairperson and officials to observe the day.
IDEA Internacional brindó asistencia técnica en la elaboración del nuevo cronograma electoral peruano que se aplicará en elecciones de este año. Esta se orientó a uniformizar plazos y evitar que etapas del ciclo electoral se traslapen.
Electoral risk management (ERM) should be institutionalized by electoral management bodies (EMBs) as a means of strengthening their capacity to deliver credible elections. To this end, experts recommend the promotion of the ERM concept within a broader electoral assistance scheme.
Coinciding with the 2nd birthday anniversary of His Royal Highness the Gyalsey Jigme Namgyal Wangchuck, the Parliament of Bhutan launched the Parliament Committee Manual 2017 and Oversight Manual 2017 in the National Assembly Conference Hall on 5 February. International IDEA supported (both technically and financially) the drafting and publication of both manuals.
Declaracion: Las opiniones expresadas en este comentario son las del miembro del personal. Este comentario es independiente de intereses nacionales o políticos específicos. Las opiniones expresadas no representan necesariamente la posición institucional de International IDEA, su Consejo de Asesores o su Consejo de los Estados Miembros.
Disclaimer: Views expressed in this commentary are those of the staff member. This commentary is independent of specific national or political interests. Views expressed do not necessarily represent the institutional position of International IDEA, its Board of Advisers or its Council of Member States.