The fourth webinar , held on 29 July 2021, answers the question: “What’s happening to democracy in Melanesia?
Un informe del Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (IPCC) publicado el lunes 9 de agosto, muestra, con evidencia científica clara y abrumadora, que el cambio climático es una amenaza existencial inminente para nuestro planeta. Los cambios climáticos masivos que todos estamos comenzando a experimentar, desde incendios forestales hasta temperaturas extremas, también son una amenaza para la democracia.
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) hosted a side event on 15 July 2021; ‘Assessing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Constitutions’, at the 14th Session of the Expert Mechanisms on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP).
An Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released on Monday shows, with clear and overwhelming scientific evidence, that climate change is a looming, existential threat for our planet. The massive climate changes that we are all starting to experience, from wildfires to extreme temperatures, are also a threat for democracy.
Como parte del panorama regional destaca que, a más de un año del inicio de la pandemia, las desigualdades estructurales en razón de género han sido evidenciadas, presentando retos tanto en el ámbito político-electoral como en el laboral, económico, de seguridad y de salud.
Gender inequalities and marginalisation of segments of societies remain a persistent challenge in democracy building across all regions of the world. What measures have been taken to promote gender equality in democracy building processes—on political partiticipation and representation(political parties, parliaments, local government councils), constitution building, electoral processes? What are the pros and cons of gender quotas?
In view of ongoing and recent contestations between the president and prime minister, and president and legislature in Tunisia and in Sri Lanka, International IDEA’s Constitution-Building Programme organised a webinar on the ‘Value and Perils of Semi-Presidentialism in Transitional Contexts’ on 2 August 2021.
Sudan is known for its harsh weather—especially during the summer in the period between May and July. This year the people of Sudan received a reminder about global warming when temperatures reached a record high of 53 degree Celsius. Nonetheless, the hazy mostly dry hot weather did not slow down the dynamic transitional period in the country. And with it the work of International IDEA.
El miércoles 28 de julio IDEA Internacional, a través de la Oficial de Programa María Jaraquemada, participó en audiencia pública de la Comisión de Ética de la Convención Constitucional Chilena que está a cargo de la propuesta de regulación de esta entidad en materia de probidad y ética.
On Wednesday 28 July, International IDEA’s Programme Officer in Chile and Southern Cone Countries, María Jaraquemada, participated in a public hearing at the Ethics Committee of the Chilean Constitutional Convention, who is in charge of drafting a proposal on rules related to ethics and integrity.
Nunca se nos olvidarán las imágenes. Las largas colas de personas desesperadas en busca de tanques de oxígeno en Lima. Las tumbas improvisadas en Manaos, y las miles y miles de tiendas y comercios que en todas partes han tenido que cerrar sus puertas. La pandemia impactó a América Latina con brutal ferocidad. La región tiene una de las tasas más altas de mortalidad a nivel mundial, y sus países están sufriendo efectos económicos y sociales devastadores.
International IDEA, in collaboration with Athens Democracy Forum, International Youth Think Tank and Stockholm Philanthropy Symposium, hosted the Almedalen Democracy Summit on 7 July 2021.
Los gobiernos latinoamericanos arriesgan otra “década perdida” como resultado de la pandemia de covid-19, a no ser que actúen con urgencia para renovar tres pilares de la gobernabilidad: 1) recuperar la confianza ciudadana en la política y relegitimar las instituciones democráticas; 2) avanzar hacia un nuevo contrato social incluyente y solidario; y, 3) poner en marcha unas ambiciosas reformas fiscales progresivas, que hagan que los más ricos paguen una parte más justa de los costos de la rec
IDEA Internacional ha colaborado estrechamente con el Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF) desde hace casi 20 años.
El domingo 20 de junio se celebraron, a nivel nacional, las elecciones internas simultáneas de los partidos, movimientos y alianzas electorales para elegir a las y los candidatos que buscan acceder a un cargo electivo en los 261 gobiernos municipales del país, en las próximas Elecciones Municipales del 10 de octubre de 2021.
On Monday, 12 July, members of the SDG16 Data Initiative— a collective project by a consortium of 17 organizations seeking to support tracking the global commitments made by more than 194 countries on peace, justice, and strong institutions— held a side event on the margins of the 2021 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) to discuss challenges and opportunities on the creation of data and measureme
Public participation has become a core element of modern constitution-building. The question for leaders charged with designin
On July 4, the 155 representatives of the Chilean Constitutional Convention accepted the mandate that voters gave them in May. In that first session, the representatives also voted to select their board, choosing Elisa Loncón, PhD in Linguistics and elected in a reserved seat of the Mapuche Indigenous People, and Jaime Bassa, PhD in Law, elected on the list of Frente Amplio’s coalition.
This report presents elements of the development of Sudanese women’s political participation through time. It highlights several political routes from their early days until the contemporary era. The study is based on an analysis of secondary sources alongside empirical data derived from four states within Sudan, namely: Blue Nile, Central Darfur, Kassala and River Nile.
This release is also available in English.
La democracia no es solo un sistema de gobierno, sino el reflejo de una aspiración humana y el único tipo de régimen que nos permite vivir con autodeterminación. Pone límites al poder, posibilita la libertad de expresión y garantiza nuestra participación.