iKNOW Politics – a partnership of International IDEA, IPU, UNDP and UN Women – is moderating an online discussion on ‘Eliminating Discriminatory Laws and Closing Gender Gaps’.
El pasado 15 de mayo, República Dominicana celebró las elecciones más complejas y amplias desde 1994. En esta oportunidad no sólo se eligieron Presidente y Vicepresidente, sino también la totalidad de diputados y senadores, así como autoridades municipales.
On 15 May the Dominican Republic held its most complex elections since 1994. On this occasion, not only were the president and vice president elected, but also all the members of the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, and the Senate, as well as local authorities.
Many political parties struggle with utilizing new technologies in their work, whether it is online fundraising or mastering innovative outreach and communication channels. For this reason, International IDEA is proud to launch the Digital Parties Portal - contains the tools a political party needs to work effectively.
Creating a democratic constitution is one of the most challenging processes a nation can embark on.
While the billions of dollars raised for this November’s US Presidential elections are making global headlines, similar problems on the other side of the Atlantic go much more unnoticed. The role of money in European politics is perhaps the greatest factor contributing to European citizens’ lack of trust in their democracies. Over the past two years, serious political finance allegations have hit long-standing ruling parties in France, Spain and Italy.
On 12 May, the Office of International IDEA to the European Union inaugurated its new office premises in the presence of Secretary-General Yves Leterme and Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Didier Reynders.
The office is located at Avenue des Arts 41 in Brussels, between the main political and European arteries of the city, Rue de la Loi and Rue Belliard. The Belgian Government authorized a five-year grant to fund the office accommodation.
The power of dissolution is the power to end the term of office of a parliament (or other legislative body) so as to cause new elections to take place. Parliaments are compulsorily dissolved at the end of their term of office. In many countries, a premature dissolution, before the scheduled end of Parliament’s term, is also possible in certain situations.
International IDEA has been working on the negative influence of money in political processes for over 15 years. Because I see this phenomenon as one of the major threats to democracy, I decided—when I started as Secretary-General of International IDEA in June 2014—to intensify our efforts in this area, by launching the institution-wide initiative of Money in Politics.
The Office of International IDEA to the European Union (EUO) in Brussels launched French and Dutch versions of Democratic transitions: Conversations with world leaders at two separate events.
International IDEA and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have co-organized the second installment in the Margaret Vogt Memorial Lecture series to happen today, 26 May 2016, at UN Headquarters. The lecture, entitled “What is the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Democracy?
International IDEA’s Permanent Observer office to the United Nations (UN) will launch today the English version of The Quality of Democracies in Latin America.
The challenge of democracy and rule of law is to convey the complexity of the current turbulence and positive potential within both concepts, said Thomas Carothers of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace during the inaugural Margaret Vogt Lecture.
International IDEA and the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International Law (SAIFAC), are hosting a two-day conference with a focus on evaluating the performance of the South African Constitution.
The idea that the performance of a constitution can be evaluated is a relatively recent one.
Are there better or worse ways of drafting constitutions for the purposes of achieving desired outcomes? How are we to understand the interaction between particular provisions or elements of a constitution and the concrete realities that unfold after the moment of constitution drafting?
Campaign finance is a key issue for the quality of a democracy. The inescapable fact is that while democracy has no price, it does have an operating cost. The use of economic resources is an essential element for democratic competition. Political financing is more than a pathology of democracy, when well-regulated, political financing is a normal part of democratic life.
From 17–21 May, commissioners and senior staff of the National Independent Electoral Commission of Madagascar (CENI) will meet up in Antananarivo for a five-day BRIDGE workshop on strategic planning and stakeholder relations.
International IDEA and the Electoral Integrity Project are delighted to announce the 2016 EIP/International IDEA graduate student essay prize winner – Kirill Kalinin (University of Michigan).
La VIII Conferencia sobre Justicia Electoral, “La Judicialización de la Política, Democracia Interna de los Partidos e Integridad del Proceso Electoral” se llevó a cabo en Manaos, Brasil, entre el 28 de abril y 2 de mayo de 2016. Esta actividad estuvo coorganizada por el Tribunal Superior Electoral de Brasil y el Instituto Internacional para la Democracia y la Asistencia Electoral (IDEA Internacional).
The VIII Conference on Electoral Justice, “The Judicialization of Politics, Internal Democracy of Political Parties and the Integrity of the Electoral Process”, was carried out in Manaus, Brazil, between 28 April and 2 May, 2016. The activity was co-organized by the Superior Electoral Court of Brazil and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA).