Conference: How has the South African Constitution Performed in the Past 20 years?
International IDEA and the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International Law (SAIFAC), are hosting a two-day conference with a focus on evaluating the performance of the South African Constitution. Together with SAIFAC, International IDEA will be releasing the findings of a report evaluating the performance of this relatively young constitution.
The conference will seek to engage critically with SAIFAC’s report and offer multidisciplinary perspectives from a wide range of actors, including politicians, academics, judges, NGOs and many others. The main objective is to provide an opportunity for discussion around the extent to which the Constitution has succeeded in achieving its goals, as well as those commonly recognised to be important for constitutions around the world.
Speakers include representatives from the University of Johannesburg, the University of Chicago and high-ranking officials such as Public Protector Thuli Madonsela.
As a result of the conference, we hope to further develop the methodology of assessing constitutional performance, and then to pilot it in another country.
For more information, download the concept note and agenda or contact: Sumit Bisarya, International IDEA (S.Bisarya).