Brussels - The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) are hosting a high-level panel discussion on State-building, democracy and corruption: Money in politics in the Eastern neighbourhood.
From a national breakdown of targets to policy reform.
The obligation to uphold the rule of law is an integral part of the overall commitment to governance and democracy by African heads of state and government.
This commitment was expressed in the AU Constitutive Act during the period of transformation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) into the AU.
The government is eyeing to complete its housing efforts for communities affected by typhoon Haiyan—one of the strongest storms to make landfall in recent history—in December 2013. An accountability tool could help President Rodrigo Duterte improve the quality and ensure the adequacy of the rest of the housing units that will be distributed to families this year.
El lunes 22 de agosto, el Tribunal Superior de Justicia Electoral (TSJE) de Paraguay, la representación de la Unión Europea en Paraguay y la Misión de IDEA Internacional se reunieron en la sede del TSJE para coordinar acciones conjuntas con miras a cooperar con el fortalecimiento institucional de la Justicia Electoral, por medio de acciones conjuntas de cooperación en temas como el control a las agrupaciones políticas en el uso de los recursos del Estado, el ingreso de dinero privado para las
On Monday, 22 August 2016, the Superior Tribunal of Electoral Justice (STEJ) of Paraguay, the European Union Delegation in Paraguay and the Mission of International IDEA, gathered at the headquarters of the STEJ to coordinate joint actions with an objective of cooperating on the institutional strengthening of the electoral organ.
This Discussion Paper compares how three regional organizations—the African Union, the European Union and the Organization of American States—protect constitutionalism in their member states.
It focuses on the types of measures to protect constitutionalism in cases of fundamental threats to and violations of the constitutional order, rather than on the mechanisms to promote constitutional governance.
STOCKHOLM—The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance’s Annual Democracy Forum will be held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 25-26 August 2016 under the theme, ‘Learning from Democratic Transitions in Asia and the Pacific: An Inter-Generational Dialogue’.
On 2–3 June 2016 International IDEA hosted a workshop, entitled ‘Democracy Assistance and Results Management: Ownership and Learning in Action’, at its offices in Stockholm.
The purpose of the workshop was to share experiences of locally led and learning-oriented approaches to the planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME) of democracy-assistance projects and programmes.
This report summarizes the Policy Dialogue on Democracy and Service Delivery, which took place in Pretoria, South Africa, on 23–24 November 2015.
The event was timely, as it unfolded in a context of a growing and common concern, among all of the collaborating partners, regarding service delivery challenges in the region and their potential impact on governance and democracy.
This report documents the Round Table on Elections and Youth: Entry points for Electoral Management Bodies, which took place in Centurion, South Africa, on 24–26 November 2015.
In response to the complexities embodied in youth inclusion in the democratic process, International IDEA has initiated a process for documenting the challenges and practices directed at youth inclusion in politics and within electoral processes from across the continent.
The proportion of women in the Tunisian Parliament is impressive, but is not matched by gender equality in other areas, such as in the cabinet or the leadership of parliamentary committees.
Creating opportunities for further advances in gender equality requires work on many fronts, such as addressing social attitudes to women and men, improved education and training for women and legal protection with regard to violence against women.
Financing of political parties and electoral campaigns as part of larger political reform was the main topic of a seminar held on 28 July at the Sindicatura General de la Nación in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
El Seminario “Financiamiento de la Política: Desafíos para la Reforma”, se realizó el jueves 28 de julio en la Sindicatura General de la Nación en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
El 19 de julio de 2016, Sergio Bitar, miembro del Board de IDEA Internacional y uno de los editores de la publicación “Transiciones democráticas: Enseñanzas de líderes políticos”, (IDEA Internacional/Galaxy Gutenberg) fue el expositor principal de la primera sesión del ciclo “Ideas y autores, repensando la sociedad chilena”, organizada por la Fundación Chile 21.
Sergio Bitar, International IDEA Board Member and co-editor of Democratic Transitions: Conversations with World Leaders, was the keynote speaker at the first session of the series Ideas and Authors, Rethinking Chilean Society, held on 19 July and hosted by the Fundación Chile 21.
Effective service provision entails the efficient and effective provision of public services, but also giving citizens and groups within society—regardless of gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity or class—the opportunity to participate in the relevant decision-making processes.
When a country begins a political transition away from violent conflict or non-democratic rule, there are many difficult steps that it must take.
Developing an electoral justice system, which includes the means and mechanisms to ensure that electoral integrity is maintained or restored when an electoral process is damaged by repression, misconduct, or irregularities, may appear to decision-makers to be a secondary concern or even an afterthought.
One of the key recommendations of the Myanmar National Post-Election Conference of March 2016 was that “observers’ rights and duties should be part of the electoral laws and related by-laws”. Thus, on 1 August 2016, International IDEA and Democracy Reporting International (DRI) provided support to the Union Election Commission of Myanmar in initiating a discussion on how to enshrine the role and duties of domestic election observation to civil society organizations (CSOs).
This report documents the Policy Dialogue on how to deepen the transition to democratic governance in Central Africa, the second in the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) Africa and West Asia Regional 2015 Policy Dialogue Series, which took place at the Meridien Re-Ndama Hotel in Libreville, Gabon, on 14–15 December 2015.